
The teaching of Art, Craft and Design at Fishergate

Seasons-1  At Fishergate we aim to engage, inspire and challenge all pupils to develop their art, craft and design. We do this through exploring famous artists, their work, ideas and impact on the world. We aim for all children to become proficient at drawing, painting and using a range of 3D media. Children are encouraged to explore a wide range of techniques and media, developing their own ideas and ways of working.

Seasons-2Art and design is regularly a focus for the whole school, supporting collaborative working and school displays. A greater emphasis in KS 2 is the development of using sketchbooks for children to practise their observational skills as well as capture and develop ideas.

Seasons-3We recognise that art is vitally important as a way for all children to express and communicate their ideas about the world around them.

Click here for planning and progression documents in all subjects