This summer term the school council held a positive playtimes week. We asked pupils to come and talk to us about playtimes at school. Seventy pupils answered questions about playtimes. Here is a summary of the results….
Out of 70 pupils:
- 67 said they had fun at playtimes
- 13 said that they had problems at playtimes, but they also said that if they had a problem they spoke to a member of staff about this
- 69 out of the 70 children love the new playground equipment
- Some pupils would like the playground equipment rota to be changed so that it is less crowded and busy
- Suggestions to improve playtimes included: buddy bench, outdoor lunchtime clubs, more equipment to play with and a system where if someone has no-one to play with a peer will come and help
All the results have been passed on to Mr Herbert. The school council will work with Mr Herbert and other staff in the autumn term to make playtimes even better for everyone.