We place considerable emphasis on ensuring a smooth transition between key stages for all children, and especially for children with SEND who may find change more difficult to cope with. Children are informed of their new teacher well in advance, in order to begin building relationships. There is a formal ‘transition afternoon’ in the summer term, when all children spend time with their new teacher, and for children requiring extra support there will also be opportunities to informally visit their new classroom during the summer term.
As we have mixed year groups children usually spend two years in the same mixed-age class, with the same teacher. This reduces the number of transitions for children who find this difficult. We also use buddying and worry trees to ensure children and parents are supported and reassured.
Moving On
Information is shared between outgoing and incoming class teachers and Teaching Assistants. Tracker data will be passed on as will samples of work.
Where possible, a child’s new teacher will attend the termly review for a child on the SEND register in the summer term, giving an opportunity to meet you and to discuss the child’s needs with the outgoing teacher.
Where necessary, teachers will use support systems and materials such as social stories, photos, ‘worry trees’ and buddying systems to support children who are struggling with transition.
Starting Secondary School
When children move up to secondary school, the heads of year and/or SENDCOs from the relevant secondary school will usually visit Fishergate to discuss the child’s needs with the Inclusion leader and class teachers during Y6.
For children with an EHCP or statement, this process will begin in Year 5. Additional visits to secondary school will be arranged for children with SEND who are likely to find the transition more difficult.