School Development Plan & Priorities 2016-2019


Raising Achievement
To ensure that mid attaining pupils make expected progress; particularly in reading and maths. 

To improve maths attainment so that end of Key Stage 1 and 2 percentages return to being above the national average.

To ensure that the progress profile is smooth through KS2.

  • A higher % of mid attaining pupils across KS2 are making the expected progress when compared to  the previous two academic years
  • Maths curriculum allows time for deeper learning
  • Identified group of pupils make expected progress to the higher level in reading
  • Maths attainment at the end of KS1 and KS2 has returned to being above the national average
  • Maths planning and teaching allows for deeper learning
  • Identified groups of pupils are making faster progress in maths
  • Progress profile from KS1 to end of KS2 is smoother and doesn’t dip in Y3 and Y5
  • All cohorts make even progress through KS2
Learning, Teaching & Assessment
To develop LKS2 children and teachers as writers, embedding strategies, such as modelling, and implementing research. 

To develop maths teaching for mastery through KS1 and KS2.

  • Pupils have a solid enough understanding of the maths that has been taught to enable them to move on to more advanced material
  • All teachers understand how to teach for mastery and the approach to teaching in this way has been embraced
  • Significant time has been spent developing deep knowledge of the key ideas that are needed to underpin future learning
  • Children have a much greater confidence with numbers and a greater understanding of what numbers are representing
  • There is greater use of practical equipment to support leaning from Year 1 to Year 6, in all attainment groups
  • Maths attainment has improved when compared with July 2018 levels
  • Children make steady, smooth progress in their writing skills through Y3 and Y4
  • Writing attainment and rates of progress in Year 3 and 4 have improved 
  • Children and teachers have developed as writers – becoming more skilled and proficient
Personal Development , Behaviour & Welfare
To continue to develop mental health and well-being awareness for staff and pupils. 

To create a system for managing behaviour which is kind, consistent, fair and effective.

To improve the school environment; ensuring that it provides optimum conditions for learning and engagement.

  • Children are dealt with fairly, consistently and with kindness
  • Staff and pupils feel able to talk openly and without negative emotion after an incident
  • Staff and pupils know the agreed school rules
  • Updated behaviour policy
  • Training plan and evaluation of needs are in place for ‘Belonging’ intervention
  • Groups of identified children with SEMH needs have taken part in collaborative projects
Leadership & management
To further improve the effectiveness of subject leaders, ensuring that tracking and assessment in foundation subjects is enabling leaders to make accurate judgements about how to improve teaching and learning in their subjects. 

Reduce teacher workload.

To continue to improve outcomes through a collaborative model of peer review and school improvement  facilitated by the schools partnership programme.

  • Foundation subject leaders have a detailed understanding of how well pupils are doing and  what next steps cohorts should take 
  • All subject leaders can evidence a range of monitoring that has enabled them to have a good overview of their subject
  • Foundation subject data has been analysed by subject leaders and fed into action plans
  • Actions to reduce workload have been decided by the whole staff team and have not impacted adversely on progress and standards
  • A sustainable, self-improving, school-led system where schools are jointly responsible for the improvement for themselves and for others has been built
  • Improved outcomes for pupils across the 5 peer review schools


To raise writing standards in KS1 and EY with a focus on – bridging from EYU to Year 1 and providing more formal learning opportunities in EYU 

To close the gap between boys and girls in writing.

To ensure that currently lower attaining pupils based on end of Y1 and KS1 data make faster progress this academic year.

To build a  better partnership with parents that enables  lower attaining readers  to make faster progress

To further develop maths reasoning and problem solving skills throughout school.




A good range of evidence for writing in EYU is built up over the academic year 

A higher percentage of children attain the highest score (3) in writing by the end of EY

A higher percentage of pupils leave Foundation Stage ready for the challenges of Year 1 writing and number (2017 %)

Children continue to make faster than expected progress in writing in Year 1 (2017 +3.8)

Writing attainment is in line with the national average at the end of Year 2

Boys are making faster progress in their writing and closing the gap with girls

A ratified EYU to Year 1 bridging policy is in place

Planners are consistently used as an effective home school communication tool in all phases

Parents can use teacher/TA comments in their child’s planner to support the development of specific skills

Parents are even more able to support their children in their reading and this is impacting on the progress that the children make

Modelling the method will be common practice in all classes

EY & KS1 children will use Number sense when working on calculations

Teachers are better able to support pupils with EAL and this group continues to make faster than expected progress – closing the gap with their mono-lingual peers. 

Pupils know how to use talk to help them problem solve, think more creatively and help others deepen their thinking and further their understanding.

To facilitate lasting learning experiences and develop lifelong learners through collaborative working, peer mentoring and meta-cognition.







Teachers have a wider range of strategies and resources that they can use to support their EAL children 

Children are able to talk about how they have used the key skills in their learning and they understand why these skills are important

Children’s work shows evidence of creativity, problem solving and collaborative activities

Teachers expect a high level of learning response and  interaction between learners and adults in the classroom

Teachers have had the opportunity to work together to establish creative, responsive and effective approaches to teaching and learning

Pupils are able to set goals and monitor and evaluate their own academic development

PP and lower attaining pupils have made faster progress due to collaborative working, peer mentoring and meta-cognition

Greater amount of collaborative learning through school

All teaching is good and significant  percentage is outstanding

New and effective ways of teaching and learning have been implemented and are having an impact in the classroom

PP children are benefiting from the EEF interventions and making faster progress

Run training events for the other schools in the cluster – SEN and TA training 

















PRIORITY 3 – Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare SUCCESS CRITERIA LONGER TERM DEVELOPMENTS
To develop mental health and wellbeing awareness for staff and pupils. 

To prioritise staff well-being and mental health.

To support children to develop resilience and to develop whole school strategies to deal with anxiety/stress.

To better support a small group of individuals who display very challenging behaviour – particularly during more unstructured times.

Staff talk more openly about mental health and wellbeing 

Higher level of positive work-life balance recorded in staff surveys

All MSAs are able to effectively manage accidents and incidents

Relax Ed sessions are embedded into the curriculum and delivered on a weekly basis

Dedicated ELSA area is ready and well resourced

Groups and individuals with specific SEMH needs have been supported to make progress as evidenced by impact of provision document.

All staff are more able to manage challenging behaviour

The incidents of unacceptable behaviour have reduced

To develop the effective use of teaching assistants to ensure maximum impact  – with a focus on accelerating the progress of lower attaining pupils 

To improve outcomes through a collaborative model of peer review and school improvement  facilitated by the schools partnership programme

To ensure that academisation allows Fishergate to maintain its unique character, ethos and core values. That it enhances the learning experiences of all adults and children and has the support of the vast majority of the school community






Fishergate is judged to be at least good in its next Ofsted/HMI visit 

Currently lower attaining pupils, based on end of key stage data make faster progress this academic year when compared with 2016/17.

Only interventions with proven effectiveness are run in school

Fishergate have collaborated with a partner school in order to investigate a line of enquiry regarding the effectiveness of TAs

Pupils with prior low attainment have greater self-confidence and resilience

Teachers are better informed about the content of interventions and support the work of TAs more effectively

Bespoke peer review has been driven by school improvement needs

A sustainable, self-improving, school led system, where schools are jointly responsible for improvement of themselves and other has been embedded.

Improved end of Key Stage outcome

Fishergate’s unique nature and ethos is maintained and nurtured

The school community feels informed about Fishergate’s future plans

Pupils and staff continue to benefit from well-established links with other schools/setting

Arrange external CPD for middle and senior leaders 




















To provide a safe environment for children to learn in. 

To identify children who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm, and to take appropriate action to make sure they are kept safe both at home and in the education setting







Areas for improvement identified  in the health and safety audit (general, fire and asbestos reviews) have been actioned 

Premises Development Plan has been used to ensure that the school provides  a safe learning environment

All personnel files contain the necessary information to ensure that safer recruitment processes have been followed and any historic gaps have been shared with FGB

All staff and volunteers have a sound understanding of their role in helping to safeguard children

Work with the Local Area Team is continuing to offer support to more vulnerable families and impacts positively on the progress that the children from these families make

School is fully compliant  with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which come into force May 2018

Mobile phones 

IT security of user accounts and emails

More children on the playground – possible changes to supervision











PRIORITY 1 – Raising Achievement

PRIORITY 2 – Learning, Teaching & Assessment

To ensure that the children who arrive in EYU with limited speech and language skills can begin to close the gap with their peers. 

To raise writing standards in KS1 ensuring that the % of pupils who attain the expected standard is above national.

To ensure that a higher proportion of lower attaining readers can make faster progress and leave Fishergate ‘secondary ready’.

To raise attainment levels in maths by improving reasoning skills through school.

To close the gap between boys and girls in reading and writing attainment.

To raise the profile of science; systematically evaluating and developing all aspects of science teaching and learning. To use science as a tool in our drive to more actively engage all pupils in their own learning and achievement. 

To continue to develop inspirational teaching; enabling children to be active learners who make their own decisions and work with less teacher direction.

To ensure that feedback and marking is consistent, motivational, meaningful and manageable, leading to good progress and high standards throughout school.

To ensure that the new assessment and tracking system is a powerful tool that is used to further raise standards and leads to accelerated progress.

PRIORITY 3 – Personal Development, Behaviour & Welfare

PRIORITY 4 – Leadership & Management

To further enhance the inclusive nature of Fishergate by building links with the Melbourne Centre, engaging with the Archbishop’s Citizenship award and expanding the role of the school council and Champions for Change. 

To ensure that pupil premium strategies offer good value for money and are closing the gaps between vulnerable groups and their peers.

To meet an increasing numbers of learners’ needs by enhancing our Curriculum through the use of Forest Schools and outdoor learning.

To further develop the role of middle leaders; ensuring that they are able to lead their subject with aspirational vision and that they can demonstrate real impact on teaching and learning. 

To ensure that all new members of staff are assimilated into the Fishergate community and given the necessary support to enable them to flourish; ensuring that every phase team is strong and effective.

To ensure that Fishergate maintains its unique character, ethos and core values and that any future partnership or collaborative working arrangement enhances the learning experiences of all adults and children and has the support of the vast majority of the school community.