FoF News!

Cake Sale News!!

EYU Friday 21st March:

The Early Years Unit will be hosting and donating their nut free baked goods and treats at the Friday cake sale next week. Please come and support their fundraising efforts. 50p a cake! Yum!

We need parent & carer helpers to run this stall – if you can help next week please contact friends or the office in advance!

Last week Year 1/2 classes raised a fantastic £94.00 on their cake sale! Thank you to everyone who donated, helped out and made purchases. A fabulous team effort!

FoF Need You!

Friends of Fishergate School (FoF) will be sending information out very soon to recruit some of you into the committee and planning team, as we prepare to say goodbye to more families making a move to secondary at the end of the school year.

As it currently stands it is essential that the committee positions, trustee positions and planning team are repopulated in order for FoF to continue next year. Please do not let this already well-established charity disappear! If you feel passionate about fundraising for our school, are interested to hear more or even just curious at this stage, do not hesitate to drop us an email for more information. Equally, if you have any concerns please let us know.

As a ‘Friends of’ fundraising charity to our school, we have a membership with Parentkind that offers creative, technical and legal advice as to how to run our group as well as insurance and risk assessment for our events.

Being a carer/parent in the school, you are already a ‘friend’ and are welcome to access these useful resources at You will be required to input the school postcode (YO10 4AP)Friends of Fishergate

Don’t forget the FoF Spring Disco on Friday 28th March – more information here!

You can read more about Friends of Fishergate in this area of the website – or look for the links under the ‘Parents & Carers’ menu above.