Bright Sparks
Bright Sparks, News, Parent Partnership, SEN
Bright Sparks #14
Here it is! The long awaited Bright Sparks newsletter for the summer term! You can click the image to view a larger version.
Bright Sparks, News, Parent Partnership, SEN
Bright Sparks #13
Happy Autumn term! Here is the latest newsletter. Please note the date for the coffee afternoon. If you would like to conrtibute to the newsletter please feel free to do so. Bright Sparks 13
Bright Sparks, News, Parent Partnership, SEN
Latest Bright Sparks Newsletter (#12)
Here is the latest Bright Sparks newsletter. Check out the date for the coffee/tea and cake afternoon and let me know if you can make it. Bright Sparks 12 Thank you to those who have contributed and please continue to…
Bright Sparks, News, Parent Partnership, SEN
Bright Sparks #11
Here is the latest Bright Sparks Newsletter. I hope you find it informative. As can be seen I attended a fabulous training course on Sensory needs, pop in to see me if you would like some more information Bright Sparks…
Bright Sparks, News, Parent Partnership, SEN
Bright Sparks latest edition (#10)
Here it is! Bright Sparks 10. The latest news in the world of SEND. Bright Sparks 10
Bright Sparks, News, Parent Partnership, SEN
Latest Bright Sparks Edition (#9)
Phew! Edition 9 of Bright Sparks is now finished. Please click the link below to read all the latest news in the world of SEND. Bright sparks 9
Bright Sparks, News, Parent Partnership, SEN
Bright Sparks #8
Welcome back to the Autumn term! The summer holidays are now a distant memory. Thank you for your contributions to the Bright Sparks newsletter. The latest edition can be seen by clicking the link below: Bright sparks 8
Bright Sparks, News, Parent Partnership, SEN
Bright Sparks 7
Wow! I cannot quite believe we are now onto our 7th Bright Sparks newsletter. Thank you all for your support, feedback and contributions. Please continue to do so! Hope you find the information useful. Bright sparks 7
Bright Sparks, News, Parent Partnership, SEN
Bright Sparks 6
Bright sparks 6 Hot off the Press! The latest Bright Sparks newsletter. Parents and carers please continue to contribute!