Community News
Community News, Early Years, News, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
York Pride 2022
Community News, Early Years, News, School Council, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Marathon Fundraising Total So Far!
Wow! So far, the Star Wars marathon has raised over £1000 – more than double our target!
On May 4th pupils came into school dressed in sportswear and trainers… ready to run, to raise funds to support the British Red Cross. The Red Cross are doing vital work and providing essential supplies to those affected by the conflict in Ukraine and the school council decided they would like for us to support this effort.
Thank you to all the Fishergate community who have generously donated so far. If you would like to make a donation, you can still do so – just click on the picture to go straight to our fundraising page. You can also help by sharing this page with your friends and family!
Well done to Mrs Clarke, and all our amazing children!
May the Fourth be With You, everyone!
Community News, Early Years, English News, News, Parent Partnership, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
It’s Good To Grow!
Community News, News, Parent Partnership
Family Matters Courses
Congratulations! You and your children have almost made it to the end of this really difficult year. Now we just have to navigate the summer holidays… September may seem a long way away, but it will come quickly, and if…
Community News, News, Year 1&2, Year 5&6
Fantastic fundraising from two of our children!
Two of our children, Elena (Y6) and Cristina (Y2), are having a dramatic haircut next week to send their hair to Little Princess Trust to be made into wigs. They are raising much needed funds for the charity too. If you are able to donate then please follow the click on the image below.
It always makes us so proud when our children do something that really shows how much they care about others!
Community News, PE and Sport, School Council
Strong with these runners the force is…
A huge thank you for all your support with this year’s Star Wars Marathon Day. All runners were amazing and ran their miles with Mrs Clarke throughout the day. Well done to Mrs Clarke for running all those miles and to Caz for joining her (at a social distance of course!) to run some miles as well.
Thank you for all your donations. The total raised for Mental Health UK stands at £1160! AMAZING!
Much appreciated, your support is….to next year here is!
Fishergate School Council

Community News, Early Years, English News, News, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
World Book Day 2021
Community News, Friends of Fishergate, News, Parent Partnership
Fundraising update from Friends
Friends of Fishergate are a charity and welcome any donations. We are currently running a Covid Emergency Fund to help our community during this period. If you would like to make a donation please get in touch via our email…
Community News, Coronavirus & Closure Updates & Letters, Early Years, News, Parent Partnership, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Support for and from York Foodbank
During term time we have regular Foodbank collection for York Foodbank – we will flag this in the newsletter when it happens!