Coronavirus & Closure Updates & Letters

Triple P Parenting

As you may be aware the school now has Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) available for parents.
During this time they have made their resources on supporting families free to access.
I have shared their ‘top tips’ and leaflet below but more details are available online here:
Triple P’s Top Tips – click the pictures to see a larger version!
They are worth reading through and are aimed at parents and carers of 0-12 year olds,
Mrs Wilson.

Fishergate children – can you help?

Dear Fishergate Children,

I wasn’t going to write to you in the Easter holidays but I have a very important job that some of you might like to do.

Mrs Hemlin, one of our Key Stage 1 teaching assistants, has a friend who works at a care home off Fulford Road. Some of the elderly residents are feeling very lonely because they are not getting any visits from their friends and family and they are becoming quite withdrawn.

The care home think that it would really cheer their residents up if they were sent letters/pictures/poems or anything else that you could think of. If you would like to help then please send whatever you decide to do to:

Thank youMrs Clarke