E-safety Tips

E-safety Advice for Families – Spotify

What Parents and Carers Need to Know about Spotify

From Ariana Grande to Dua Lipa, Katy Perry to Justin Timberlake, even the most mainstream and conventional artists in pop aren’t averse to releasing the odd track which contains swearing or explicit lyrics. Although that’s not especially Earth-shattering in itself, of course, it could prove an upsetting experience for a young person who stumbles across such songs on Spotify.

That’s before we even take into account the multitude of other age-inappropriate lyrics in genres like hip hop (a profanity every 47 words, according to one recent study) or towards the harder end of the rock spectrum. As our #WakeUpWednesday guide discovers, the occasional unexpected expletive isn’t the only aspect of the music streaming colossus Spotify that trusted adults should be aware of.

Read on to access your free guide and catch up on the latest online safety news…National Online Safety

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This guide is from National Online Safety.

E-safety Advice for Families: Encouraging Discussions

Tips for Encouraging Open Discussions about Digital Lives

Tuesday 7th February is Safer Internet Day: an annual event which promotes the safe, responsible and positive use of digital tech among children and young people. This year’s title is ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’ and is designed to give young voices a platform to shape the kinds of online safety support that they receive.

Simply checking in with children regularly about their experiences in the digital world, both good and bad, is a brilliant way to engage with what they’re currently into online, while also acting as a valuable early warning system about potential issues. To support Safer Internet Day, this week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide has some top tips for initiating these helpful catch-up chats.

Read on to access your free guide and catch up on the latest online safety news…National Online Safety

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This guide is from National Online Safety.

E-safety Advice for Families – Roblox

What parents need to know about Roblox

Over the past decade, Roblox has become one of the world’s most popular platforms for young gamers. It’s certainly among the most commercially successful: during one three-month period in 2020, for example, players spent a staggering £200 million on in-game purchases. The possible financial costs, however, aren’t the only area to have caused concern.

How are some sections of Roblox unsuitable for younger players? Why aren’t private or VP servers a water-tight defence against strangers? Who are ODers and why should children be wary of them? Why is it a good idea to disable the private messaging function? Updated for 2022, our #WakeUpWednesday guide to Roblox has the answers.

Read on to access your free guide and catch up on the latest online safety news…National Online Safety

Click for a larger .pdf version

This guide is from National Online Safety.