Early Years

Concentration and Creativity in the EYU workshop


Super concentration from our children busy being creative in our workshop area. They worked alongside each other chatting as they completed their models.  Their enjoyment and levels of involvement were high. Super learning!

Forest Schools

The children in Early Years have enjoyed their time in our Forest School. They have been exploring the use of outdoor space, developing their gross motor control, as well as investigating different bug habitats.

Week Commencing 3/10/16

car-bumperThe children have really enjoyed role playing with the car bumper. After pretending to drive the car to the beach, they decided it became dirty, so they decided to give it a wash. They worked really well together, taking turns to drive the car and wash it.

Week beginning 23/5/16 EYFS

Phonics: Same sound, different letters (sound families) u_e ph Recapping and applying all phase 2/3/4 in our reading and writing Tricky words: all when the Maths: Reviwing all our maths learning this half term! Literacy: Weekend news Shared reading –…

Up, up and away!

Following the children’s interests in making and flying paper aeroplanes, we invited Darren, one of our parent governors, to come in and assist the children and further develop their skills.

We had a great time investigating flight!  Below are some instructions if you’d like to have a go at home.