Friends of Fishergate

Speed Quiz and Curry Night

Please join us for a very fun-packed Friends of Fishergate School fundraising event at the Speed Quiz and Curry Night on Thursday 12th October at 7pm in the upper School hall, hosted by Speed Quizzings’ very own original, Alan Leach.

Tickets can be purchased in advance and go on sale today (20/9) until Thursday 5th October on a first come first serve basis. Food is included in the ticket price and a cash bar will operate on the night.

Tickets can be purchased from the school office for £5 (cash only) or online where a small booking fee will apply. Please use this link:

Tickets will also be for sale at the cake sales each Friday afternoon (cash only)

This is an adult only event, but you are welcome to bring family members, neighbours & friends to make up teams.

A maximum of 6 people per team is recommended – create a team or join a team on the night. Speed quizzing requires one team member to download the Speed Quizzing app on their phone or tablet. Where possible please do this before you arrive. Details of the app come with the ticket. Assistance is available on the night to get set up.

Food will be served from 7pm with the quiz starting at 7.30pm until approx 10pm

On the night please enter the school via the side gate on Escrick Street using the Year 3/4 Door upto the school hall. Please bring your ticket or proof of, for entry.

We hope you will join us for a great night’s entertainment.Friends of Fishergate

FoF Summer Fair

Hello Fishergate Families,

It’s the Fishergate Summer Fair on Saturday 8th July and planning is well underway to make it the usual fun and happy day (rumour has it there may even be a bouncy castle there… shhhh!)

As always, we couldn’t do this without the hugely generous help of you all, and wanted to give you enough notice so that if you spot a box of chocolates or a bottle of wine (or lemonade!) on special offer you can snap it up!

Donations Day will be Thursday 6th July so please deliver all your splendid donations for the Summer Fair between 8.45 – 9.00am (drop-off) on Thursday 6th July in the lower school hall. Helpers at tables will be waiting eagerly to collect the various items…

  • This year we are looking for the usual donations along the following lines:
  • Chocolate, Sweet and Biscuit Tombola
    • Chocolate items, sweets, biscuits, gifts and treats
    • Boxes, bars, candies, biscuits, any size, any shape and any flavour!
  • Bottle Tombola
    • Wines, beer, cider, sparkling wines, spirits, posh cordials, mixers, liqueurs, sherry, port, tonics, soft drinks, sparkling water.
    • Bottles must be unopened to be accepted please
    • Please note any children that win a bottle of alcohol at the Fair must have their adult collect it
  • General Tombola
    • NEW or unwanted new giftable items
    • Perfume, toiletries, items for the home & garden
    • Gadgets, games, toys
    • Clothing, accessories and more…
  • Filled Jam Jars (be as creative as you like here)
    • Please collect up your clean glass ‘jam jars’ of any size and fill them with whatever goodies you can fit inside!
    • Think mini stationery, crafting, sewing, small toys, puzzles, collectors cards (lego, Pokémon, football etc) stickers, sweets, loose change (£1 or more), hair accessories, small figures, badges, fun jewellery, temporary tattoos etc. etc!
    • If you have jars that are just empty, we can use them too, so bring them along
  • Teddy Tombola
    • Soft Toys, Teddies, Plushies & Characters
    • Please ensure that all items are clean, preferably washed and in good usable (and lovable) condition
  • Raffle Prizes
    We have already had some fabulous gifts and experiences donated and are hoping for more to make the raffle truly irresistible…
    We would gratefully welcome any: 
    • Larger value items
    • Vouchers
    • Hamper food items
    • non perishable food and drink items of all kinds are kindly welcomed
    • Can your employer/business offer a raffle prize? Any goods or services gratefully accepted!
  • Helpers
    We would also be extremely grateful to have people to help on the day with: 
    • Morning set-up and end of day clearing up
    • Helpers for stalls (enough people for split shifts so everyone gets to enjoy the fair with families too) if you can offer even one hour, that would be a huge help. Please let us know if you can lend a hand.

Everyone is welcome at the Summer Fair, so do bring your family and friends, and help to make the day a huge success! Thank you in advance for all your support, every little bit really does count.

If you would like to be involved (in any way) or are simply curious to hear what’s going to be happening, please don’t hesitate to email Friends on

Warm & Sunny WishesFriends of Fishergate

Message from FoF about the Summer Fair!

Hello Fishergate Families,

As we start to anticipate the Summer vibes ahead of us, planning has started for the School Summer Fair, so please save these dates!

  • Summer Fair Saturday 8th July 12-3pm  (on the school field next to the Melbourne centre)
  • Donations Day Thursday 6th July (more information on this very soon)

It is really the hi-light of our school fundraising and always lots of fun. Please put it in your diary, come along if you can, bring your family and friends and be a part of it. If you would like to be involved (in any way) or are simply curious to hear what’s going to be happening, please don’t hesitate to contact the school or email Friends on and we can keep you up-to-date with it all.

You may be able to offer suggestions, improvements, lend a hand or some equipment – all of which are very welcome! Please remember there is never any pressure to do anything you do not want to or can’t. General enthusiasm and emotional support is always very welcome too!

It is the collaborative generosity of you all that ensures events like this happen. Do you have any ideas for new games to include? Face Painting Skills? Any entertainment skills you would like to showcase? Juggling, dancing or acrobatics or musical accompaniment? Could you create a music playlist for interludes in the entertainment area? Could you bake sweet and savoury treats? Help out with face painting? Can your employer offer a raffle prize?

We require people to help for:

  • Morning set-up and end of day clear down
  • Helpers for stalls (enough people for split shifts so everyone gets to enjoy the fair with families too) if you can offer even one hour, that would be a huge help
  • Sort & Organise Donations on Thursday AM july 6th in school

We also need the following equipment:

  • Gazebo’s (several/many as possible)
  • BBQ’s Outdoor rugs/picnic blankets
  • Does anyone have the means to create a large banner for the school gates? Even better one we could reuse each year? Email us if you do.

If you can help out or have ideas, please contact Friends by email or via the school office

Thank you!Friends of Fishergate

Friends of Fishergate looking for green-fingered volunteers!

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are looking for a group of parent & child volunteers to help weed & prepare raised beds for planting so they are ready to use for the Year Group science classes coming up.

We will be meeting straight after school pickup on Wednesday 3rd May & Thursday 4th May 3.30pm – 4.30pm and we hope that many hands make quick, light & sociable work.

If you and your children can help, please let the office know so we can anticipate numbers. Even 30 minutes of your time would be gratefully received.

The planting beds are located on the school field near to The Melbourne centre. There are three beds, Yr1/2, Yr3/4 & Yr5/6 that need weeds removing and one bed that needs extra compost adding. Each is approximately 8 metres long – so quite a good size. There are lots of children’s gardening tools but it would be useful if adults could bring a garden fork or spade if they have one. Gloves will be handy too!

Many ThanksFriends of Fishergate

FoF – lost property, labels and fundraising!

Help us to win the battle with lost property by labelling your child’s belongings, and raise money for the Friends of Fishergate at the same time!

No more lost property!!

FoF have signed up to the following companies who supply wash-proof name labels and name stamps to identify your children’s school clothing and belongings. You can read more about them, and find our affiliate links, fundraising IDs and even some discount codes, on the Friends of Fishergate Fundraising Hub page.

FoF – Easy Fundraising Online!

Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for Friends of Fishergate with easyfundraising? There are over 7,000 brands on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds. Click here to find out more on the Friends of Fishergate fundraising hub!

FoF Plant Sale

If you are a green fingered & keen gardener or like pottering around on your patio and are planning on sowing seeds and bulbs this year, why not consider sowing a few extras as donations for the school plant sale in May this year?

Also welcome are potted cuttings, garden shrubs (potted, not too big) & potted herbs if you are clearing or thinning out your garden. Unloved houseplants and spare seeds too! More about this soon!Friends of Fishergate

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