Friends of Fishergate

Choir News

Well done to all of our fantastic choir members – and a massive thank you to the staff and volunteers who helped to make our Young Voices trip such a success!  

We will be taking a short break from practising to give everyone a chance to recover so there will be no more choir sessions now until after the half term break, but we look forward to seeing (and hearing!) you all after the holiday.  

More photos coming soon !

The return of the cake sale!

Friends of Fishergate are pleased to announce that the Autumn term brings the return to the lower hall of the fabulous Fishergate cake sale!  Year 1/2 will be getting the baking and fundraising ball rolling on the 5th October so we’d really appreciate if parents and carers of children in the year one and year two classes could bring a contribution (no nuts please!) on that day – or lend a hand with the selling! Keep an eye on the school calendar and newsletters for more dates.

Friends of Fishergate Meeting

Dear all,

There is a Friends meeting on Thursday 9th November at 8pm in the Seahorse Pub. We are planning the film night (17th November), the Christmas shop (7th and 8th December) and the Christmas fair (19th December).

If you’d like to contribute to the discussion then do come along. If you can’t make it but are willing to be a helper on or some or all of the above then please email us on

Look forward to seeing you on Thursday!Friends of Fishergate

Don’t forget that this Friday 30th June is non-uniform day to support the summer fair. Please bring in tombola prizes, filled jam jars (sweets, crafts, marbles whatever you like), bottles for the bottle stall, teddies and toys (NO books or second hand clothes other than uniform please).


Please find your class stall list outside the classrooms and sign up or tell Emma in the office and she will put your name down. Half an hour from each parent helps enormously. If you can stay to help at 5pm to help clear up please do…..


We need to be able to play music for the gymnasts to do their display and we will also need a microphone, both with amplification. Can you help? Where can we borrow from?? Final plea for cake contributions on the day – thank-you – let’s make it a great summer fair xFriends of Fishergate


Star Wars Marathon 2017

The amazing Mrs Clarke and Mrs Wilson ran a whole marathon down by the river on May 4th.  They were joined by an army of Fishergate mums and dads as well as the whole school.  Each child from Year 1-6 joined in with the running fun and ran a mile with our marathon heroes!

This year’s marathon was run in support of Cancer Research UK.  Thank you to all the children and their families for supporting this cause through sponsorship.

If you haven’t already donated and would like to the link to Mrs Clark’s just giving page is here:


Science Update

  A huge thank you must be said for ‘Friends of Fishergate,’ for funding our Science Day run by Abbie and Frankie from ‘Love Science’. The whole school was involved in quick paced ‘wow’ science workshops throughout the day from…