Please see below a flyer for an upcoming event for local families, parents and carers.
Mental Health & Well-being News
Art & Design News, Mental Health & Well-being News, Year 5&6
Antony Gormley-inspired clay sculpting
For art this term we’ve used Antony Gormley as inspiration for our own clay figures. We linked this to class story and PSHE by exploring body language and facial expressions which illustrate a range of emotions using mirrors and role play, then have made our own figures to illustrate a particular emotion.
Mental Health & Well-being News
Well-being Poster
We wanted to share this lovely work about emotions, created by one of our pupils!
Click here for more information about mental health and emotional well-being
Mental Health & Well-being News
Mental Health & Emotional Well-being Resources
We have created a new area on our website to share resource and updates about mental health and empotional well-being. We hope you find it helpful – click here to take a look!