News, Newsletters, Parent Partnership
Letter to Parents & Carers 3/5/23
News, Newsletters, Parent Partnership
Letter from Mrs Clark about industrial action in April/May
News, Newsletters, Parent Partnership
Letter to Parents & Carers 31/3/23
News, Newsletters, Parent Partnership
Letter to Parents & Carers 17/3/23
Forest School, History News, News, RE News, Year 5&6
Clifford’s Tower Daffodils – Press Article
Have you seen the daffodils at Clifford’s Tower? Last year, Mrs Burt took the children from Y5/6 to join in the volunteer effort on a very soggy November day, planting thousands of bulbs to help restore the beautiful and poignant display that commemorates one of the worst anti-Jewish atrocities of the Middle Ages.
As the daffodils come into bloom, and to mark the anniversary of the massacre, which took place on the 16th March 1190, the York Press have written about this – please click the image below to read the full article.
Charity Day, News
Red Nose Day 2023: Friday 17th March
It’s Comic Relief’s Red Nose Day on Friday 17th March. Pupils can come into school dressed in non-uniform wearing their brightest and most colourful clothes! If pupils have PE or Forest Schools on this day then please send them to…
News, Newsletters, Parent Partnership
Letter to Parents & Carers 7/2/23
Please find below the latest letter from Mrs Clarke, which has also been sent via ParentPay together with a helpful guide to TikTok and E-safety.
Menu Alteration – Wednesday 1/2/23
Due to the strike action, there will be a change to the menu this Wednesday 1st Feb. Children will be offered tomato pasta and garlic bread, or jacket potato.