
Secondary applications deadline is today!

October 31st is here! For any parents of children in Year 6, you should make sure you have completed and submitted your application for a secondary school place for September today.

Spooktacular Pumpkin Designs!

What a very creative lot you all are – we are very impressed with all the entries so far to this year’s Pumpkin competition! Some of the email communication about the Pumpkin Competition was incorrect. Please can you send your entry to this email: if you haven’t already done so and we will add them to the galleries. Thanks so much.

Thank you Fishergate family!

We are so proud of the generosity shown by our fabulous Fishergate family, throughout the Covid 19 pandemic, in supporting York Foodbank and our local community. Inspired by the efforts of Mrs Wilson and her hunger-busting superhero pal Spiderman throughout lockdown, we collected donations just before the half term break and Mrs Wilson was able to deliver a car full of supplies to the food bank at the start of the holidays. Thank you again to everyone who was able to help.

Pumpkin Carving Competition Goes Online!

Click to view a larger .pdf version!


It’s that time of year. Time to get your pumpkin carving skills going. This year we can’t do a spooky pumpkin parade, but we can do an online competition! So carve a pumpkin at home and send a photo of it (along with the child’s name and year group – *no children in the photos please*) to and make a donation via

The photos will all be displayed here on the school website and our fantastic school volunteer Mr Bartlett will pick 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners from EYU / KS1 and from KS2. Winners will receive a beautiful certificate and a spooky prize. And all funds raised go to the fabulous charity

Secondary School Application Deadline – A Reminder

Just a quick reminder for parents and carers of children in Year 6 that the deadline for secondary school applications is the 31st October, during the half term holiday!

If your child will be starting Y7 in September 2021, you should apply for a school place by this date.

For more information about this, please visit the City of York Council website and our page about transition to secondary school.