
York Civic Youth Choir – welcoming new members for upcoming event

York Civic Youth Choir have been invited to take part in the event below. Children do not need to be an existing member of the choir, we always welcome new members. Parents can sign up via the Google form if their child would like to join the choir and take part. Christmas event: We have been invited by St Leonards Hospice to perform at the Light up a Life Carol Service on December 2nd in St Helen’s Square. Details of the service can be found here:

St Leonards Hospice – Care, Fundraising, Events, Donate…

St Leonard’s Hospice is an independent charity, providing care and support for local people with life threatening illnesses. We have an In-patient Unit, Day Care and Hospice@Home service. In this relaxed and friendly environment, every patient is recognised and treated as an individual. With our support patients are able to enjoy the best possible quality of life. As we will be singing mostly familiar carols and songs for the event, we will only be having two rehearsals and children only need to attend one of those (though they are welcome to come to both if they’d like to). We will be rehearsing at St Aelred’s school. All details are on the sign up form. Please complete the sign up form if your child would like to take part in the St Leonards Light Up a Life Christmas Service at 6pm on Sunday 2nd December.York Civic Youth Choir

Click here to view and complete the sign up form! 

Click to view a larger version

Santa’s Socks

Please look out for the Santa’s Socks flyer coming home this week. We are inviting Key Stage 1 and 2 pupils to make a stocking for the York Learning’s Autumn Community Crafts project. All completed stockings need to be returned…

The Book Fair is coming!

The Book Fair will be on from Wednesday 14th November to Monday 19th November, from 3.15 to 3.45 in the Lower Hall. The Book Fair generates a lot of free books for each class, chosen by the children themselves, so it is well worth supporting. In order to keep the Fair from being too crowded, each phase has its own night:

  • Early Years – Wednesday 14th
  • Key Stage One – Thursday 15th
  • Year 3/4 – Friday 16th
  • Year 5/6 – Monday 19th

It will be great to see you there!

Have you checked out the YV Music Room?

The choir are sounding fantastic!  Don’t forget….

Your teachers will have to work extra hard to help you learn your songs and dance moves, so please make sure you give them all the support you can by visiting the YV Music Room – where we’ve put some fun resources for you to use at home. Such as:

  • Lyric videos – challenge your friends to see who knows the lyrics the best
  • Spotify links – listen on the go or right at home, anywhere there is wifi
  • Special extras – be sure to check in daily to see if there is a message from someone cool! Voung Voices

We sent the code home with a letter but if you have forgotten it you could ask Mrs Tessier or Mrs Spain for a reminder.  The Young Voices Music Room has all the resources you need to help you to learn those words and practise your moves ready for the big night.  Keep up the good work!