
Year 5/6 Weekly Learning 9.4.18

Maths In boosters this week, year 6 will be revising converting units of measure. Year 5 will be translating shapes, including reflections and using coordinates. On Thursday and Friday, year 5 and 6 will be practising their arithmetic skills, followed…

Science Day Assembly – WOW!

We are so very fortunate to have such interesting, enthusiastic and knowledgeable people in the Fishergate community – our Science Day assembly was AMAZING!

More pictures from Science Day 2018 to follow soon!

Great Fires of London

Key stage 1 children loved their great fires of London topic!! It seemed a shame to set fire to the houses they had constructed out of cardboard and straw and then painted!! But we did!!! (Click to enlarge the pictures)

We watched from a safe distance as the fire started in the bakery and took hold very quickly!! Within minutes they were burned to the ground!! Not like the days it took in 1666!!  Super hands on learning!!

Chess Success!

Our fantastic Fishergate chess players at the Hull Junior Tournament. Prizes all round!

N won the Minor Section (for the second time in a row!) with L third and A and A sharing fourth and the best under 11s prize.  J was third in the Novice section and B the best girl. M missed out on a share of third by drawing a game he was winning easily in the final round but still finished with 3.5/6 in his first ever individual tournament.
Top tactics, super strategic thinking, amazing attitudes and plenty of practice and persistence from our chess champs!


Learning about Holi in 3/4

Holi was celebrated in Year 3/4.

We learnt about how Hindus celebrate this festival by throwing powder paint at their friends.  We threw it onto paper though!  We examined how they remember good triumphing over bad, the relevance of the bonfire and the celebration of Spring. Super active learning – well done Year 3/4!