
We are open!

@School_Services on Twitter

The phones are VERY busy so please do not call unless it is urgent – you can email us or leave a message on the absence line (01904 553869) if you are notifying us that your child will not be in school.

Good morning. We are currently open as so many of our staff are local. Please only travel if you feel it is safe to do so. Wrap up warmly and bring a change of footwear. Absences today due to snow will be authorised. We’ll keep you posted with any changes – check the Friends of Fishergate Facebook page for news.

York School Services regularly update their twitter feed with information about school closures and travel information that may affect your journey to school.

You can keep informed about school closures in the area by checking the following sites:

Click to visit the CYC page listing current school closures

Click to visit the Minster FM school closures page

Goodbye Pitzy!

We will all miss you… have an AMAZING “retirement”!

Our Young Voices Experience!

I’ve been there before but I think this year was the best!Kizzy

We were due to leave school at 11.30 for our exciting Young Voices adventure to Manchester Arena. Unfortunately, the company we had booked didn’t have a coach for us which we found out from our hero Mrs Cole. Luckily, we got a coach from Pullman’s (our second heroes of the day, along with Mrs Deighton for organising it) and we were OFF!

Soon after, when we were all starving, we ate a delicious lunch on the coach.

It took an hour and a half to get to the arena but fortunately we got there (at last!). The arena was massive and we were all very excited, there was also a lot of security.

When we got inside, we found our seats way up high in the arena. After that, we rehearsed for three hours, which was really tiring but good to sing with the other 5000 children that were there as well as some of the soloists.

Then it was time for a scrumptious dinner!

Later, we saw all our friends and family that had come to watch the concert and suddenly, the lights went off! Then the fancy stage lights came on and we switched on our Young Voices torches, the concert had STARTED!

The concert included: the fabulous dancers Urban Strides (who did a Star Wars dance), acapella singers the Magnets, the amazing singer Natalie Williams and an awesome 16 year old guitarist called Alfie Sheard. We also sang lots of songs, one of our choir’s favourites was Africa where we even created a rainstorm using body percussion!

It was AMAZING to watch and do!Zarah


Finally, after lots of waiting, we left the arena and found our coach but unluckily, two roads were closed on the way home!

We arrived back in York at roughly 11.20pm, lots of people fell asleep on the way home because we’d been so busy. What an amazing night!

One of the best experiences I’ve ever had!Anya

By Zarah, Kizzy and Anya

Pancake Fun in the EYU

Early Years decided they wanted to make pancakes this week, so that’s just what we did.

We got the ingredients and then Mrs Ensor supported to make the pancakes. Other children decided to open up a playdoh shop to sell pancakes. Following the children’s interests resulted in highly engaged and fun learning!