
New School Council 2017/18

Thank you to all staff and pupils for taking part in the school council elections this year. This year the council will be run slightly differently. We have 2 special advisors from year 6 who will be helping Miss Deverall…

Memory Walk: Jenny Baldock

On Friday 13th October we will be having a Harry Potter themed non-uniform day in memory of Jenny Baldock who sadly passed away last year. All pupils are invited to come into school dressed as a character out of Harry…

Our first few weeks at school

Our new children have settled in amazingly. They have all been busy making new friends and exploring their new surroundings.

It has been great to meet you all and your families and we’re looking forward to a fantastic year ahead!

Design Competition entries by Year 5/6

Year 5/6 entered an exciting competition, in July, to create a traditional Islamic geometric design, which can be translated onto tiles in order to decorate the inside of the Mihrab in the new Mosque on Bull Lane. The mihrab is the niche at the front of the mosque that shows the direction towards Mecca, and is where the Imam stands to lead the prayer. It therefore acts as a focal point for worshippers at each of the five obligatory daily prayers.

The competition is open to schools in the York are and only 2 entries are allowed per school. We are pleased to announce the winners from Fishergate are Freddie H and Mia K. Entries will be judged by a panel of judges including local artists and dignitaries and members of the mosque around the end of January 2018.

Good luck Freddie and Mia!

Carecent: A huge thank you!

Thank you to everyone who donated tinned: beans, tomatoes, fruit and meat, along with marmite, jam, cereals, porridge oats, shampoo and shower gel (plus other useful items!) for Carecent.

Nicky from Carecent came to collect all the donated items last Friday and we filled 2 car loads! She said that all the donated items will be used and will tide the charity over until harvest time. Carecent are in a crisis at the moment as they have unfortunatey lost a lot of stock, so what we, as a school, donated will go towards feeding homeless people and other disadvantaged people in our community over the coming months. So…

A HUGE THANK YOU! Once again you have shown what a generous community minded school we are.

Fishergate School Council