
Young Voices Ticket Information

We have received the following information from Young Voices about tickets for the performance at Manchester Arena: As the deadline for buying tickets via the school has now passed, if you require further tickets you will need to contact the…

Save the Children: Christmas Jumper Day

Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day logo

Click the picture to visit their website!

On Friday 16th December we’re inviting all pupils to take part in Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day.

The whole school will be taking part. You won’t need to splash out on a snazzy new sweater to join the fun-simply decorate an old woolly jumper or just come in something festive e.g. tinsel, a Christmas hat or come dressed up as Father Christmas- it’s up to you.

We’re asking pupils to make a £1 donation, or whatever they can give, to help save children’s lives across the world. 

If you would like more information about Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day, please see

Thank you for your support.

Merry Christmas.

Fishergate School Council


Fishergate is Famous!

As you may already know, Y3/4 children in Miss Teale and Mrs Ekers’ class have a link with Willow House through the Musical Connections project. Every term we take part in a music workshop with residents from Willow House care home around a topic we are covering in school. This intergenerational work has shown to have real benefits for both children and residents.

Have you ever wondered how you can get a sneaky peak of what we do in our sessions? Well, now you can! This video features children from Fishergate and other York schools taking part in workshops and talks about the benefits for everybody involved in intergenerational work through the Musical Connections project.  We would love it if you took a look at our fantastic children in action!

If you would like to find out more about the Musical Connections project, please visit their website.