
Revised R.E. Syllabus for the City of York

Since September 2016 we have been following the City of York Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2016-2021, which requires that all pupils learn from Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism as a minimum.  To help our School Governors understand what this means for pupils here at Fishergate, Mrs Spain gave a presentation in the Governor’s Meeting last week.  You can take a look at this below.

Click here to download as a .pdf

Forest school news!

Our forest school is really taking shape! The hugely popular hills have doubled in size and have been turfed and we have a brand new storage shed to house our resources.  Many thanks to our amazing team of dedicated and passionate parents who have given up so much time to help move the project forward – thankyou all!

Our children are thriving in our forest!

Science at Fishergate allows us to…..

Our new science principles

At Fishergate, we really value the teaching and learning of science. Last term, all the staff and the pupils worked together to decide what made science good in our school and came up with six child friendly principles which we would like to share with you!


Lunar photography

One of our y5/6 pupils took this amazing photograph of the moon with their mum’s camera phone and the kind assistance (and very impressive telescope!) of one of the yorkastro members at the Stargazing Live Party earlier this month. You can click to enlarge the picture – what details can you spot?