
Community news

We are incredibly lucky to have such exciting places around our school and we try to visit as many things in our local community as we possibly can. There are a couple of things on that you may find interesting:…

Tri-Golf Festival

Last week saw the Fishergate Year 3/4 Tri-Golf team compete in the York Area Finals at York Golf Club in Strensall. The competition saw children take part in 8 different events to demonstrate their putting and chipping skills in an…

Up, up and away!

Following the children’s interests in making and flying paper aeroplanes, we invited Darren, one of our parent governors, to come in and assist the children and further develop their skills.

We had a great time investigating flight!  Below are some instructions if you’d like to have a go at home.



Have a listen to our audiobooks!

In year 5 and 6, we have been busy writing stories in the style of traditional tales. After we redrafted our writing and designed our front covers, we recorded ourselves reading them to make an audiobook for you to enjoy.

401 Marathon Man Ben Smith

We had a very special visitor at Fishergate today! Ben Smith, who is running 401 marathons in 401 days to raise money for anti-bullying charities, led an assembly and then started his 254th marathon on our school field.  Children from each class in school joined him for his first mile of the day.

It was amazing and inspiring to hear about Ben’s marathon challenge.  To find out more about Ben and his amazing 401 marathon challenge you can visit Ben’s website.


Famous Fishergate runners!

Have a look at what The Press had to say about our fantastic marathon stars on May the fourth!  We are so proud of everyone who took part in this fantastic event! Thank you Mrs Clarke for inspiring us to take…

How far did we run?

On Wednesday, May the Fourth, Fishergate School held a special Star Wars-themed Marathon Day.  Mrs Clarke, Mrs Deighton and Mr Priddin each ran an astonishing 26.2 miles, accompanied by every child in the school at some point, and an impressive number of…

Singing in the Sunshine!

On Wednesday 27th April, Fishergate Choir took part in the York Schools Choral Festival at the University of York. We took part in exciting samba and banner making workshops in the morning and then performed in the HUGE Central Hall with other primary and secondary schools as part of the festival in the afternoon. We were privileged to be invited to sing with the Singing and Signing choir who had heard how great we were at signing. We jointly performed the Sign2Sing song from this year ‘Reach out your Hand’ which proved to be pretty emotional for some staff and parents! As well as this, we sang the song ‘Walking on Sunshine’ which involved singing, dancing and lots of smiles, although coming out of the Central Hall to a dusting of snow maybe it should have been ‘Walking in a Winter Wonderland’! Well done to everyone who took part and made the day such a huge success, we even made it in to the newspaper, take a look here in the York Press