
Singing and Signing with IMPs

Last week we took part in a fantastic Singing and Signing workshop after school led by apprentices and volunteers from IMPs (Inclusive Music Project). We learned some fun, new songs and even got to show off our own singing talents sharing one of our favourite rounds. The whole choir had great fun together with our new friends from IMPs and even got to do a bit of funky dancing!

Thank you to everyone at Accessible Arts and Media who made this workshop such a great success.

Handwriting and dyslexia

During the last few years there has been a great deal of discussion regarding handwriting and dyslexia. Do we join? Not join? Use cursive? We as a school feel it is important for children to learn cursive handwriting as soon…

Hawaiian Bread

The Yr 3/ 4 children enjoyed making Hawaiian bread as part of the global introduction to the year….

…and it tasted scrumptious!

Really get cycling!

Following on from the previous post……

These are the clips showing the “Get Cycling” experience.

In the beginning……

At the end of the morning……

I think it’s fair to say it was a very successful day!

Dyslexia awareness week

The 5-11th October is Dyslexia Awareness week and the theme this year is ‘Making sense of Dyslexia’. To find out more information have a look at the British Dyslexia Association website:

Get Cycling!

On Friday 25th September we were lucky enough to take one of our pupils for her first ever cycling session at Get Cycling.  The session was amazing! Thanks to the support and patience of Mick, she was able to use…