
Singing in the Sunshine!

On Wednesday 27th April, Fishergate Choir took part in the York Schools Choral Festival at the University of York. We took part in exciting samba and banner making workshops in the morning and then performed in the HUGE Central Hall with other primary and secondary schools as part of the festival in the afternoon. We were privileged to be invited to sing with the Singing and Signing choir who had heard how great we were at signing. We jointly performed the Sign2Sing song from this year ‘Reach out your Hand’ which proved to be pretty emotional for some staff and parents! As well as this, we sang the song ‘Walking on Sunshine’ which involved singing, dancing and lots of smiles, although coming out of the Central Hall to a dusting of snow maybe it should have been ‘Walking in a Winter Wonderland’! Well done to everyone who took part and made the day such a huge success, we even made it in to the newspaper, take a look here in the York Press

Learning and Careers for Parents too …

We’re taking part in a survey to find out what information and support parents need if they’re interested in attending courses or want to start a new career in the near future, including working in schools. If this applies to…

Planting hedges and trees in the Forest School

Our forest school is going from strength to strength…. tree by tree! Our dedicated group of staff, parents and children have not only planted a hedge but trees too!

Early years and key stage 1 are already using our amazing new resource.  If you would like to be involved please chat to Caroline Burt in early years or leave your name at the office.

Listen up!

This information is from the Communication trust and this is a fantastic resource! “It isn’t easy to see and recognise what happens beneath the surface of children’s communication. Being able to listen, pay attention, play and understand are the fundamental…

Samba Time in Year 5&6!

On Wednesday 20th January Year 5/6 children really enjoyed a samba workshop!  They had opportunity to play some rhythm based games, and learnt how to perform a samba on a selection of Latin American instruments including ganzas, agogos, tambours and drums. It sounded great! It also tied in brilliantly with the work we have been doing in class, as we have been learning all about Bernstein’s ‘Mambo’ from ‘Symphonic Dances’ from ‘West Side Story.’ Amazing!