Ten pupils from year 2 to year 6 have been nominated by teachers to be a part of a new school team called ‘Champions of Change’. This team will work on special projects and will also help with school council ideas.…
Music News, News
Sign2sing is back! On Wednesday 3rd February Fishergate will be taking part in this charity event. We are asking that pupils wear a scarf and bring in a £1 donation for this fantastic charity. Key stages 1 and 2 (years 1 to 6) will be signing and singing the sign2sing song 2016. We are also having an extra cake stall at the end of the day on Wednesday 3rd February. Please bring in cakes to be sold at the end of the day and all proceeds will go to this charity.
Sign2sing is organised by the Deaf Health Charity SignHealth which raises funds to help vunerable deaf children and adults. For more information about this national event please see www.sign2sing.org.uk.
Thank you for your support.
Early Years, News
Applying for a place in Fishergate
Your child can start primary or infant school in the September of the school year they turn 5 – so if your child’s 5th birthday is between 1/9/16 and 31/8/17 you can apply now for a place in reception for September 2016. You should apply by 15 January. For more details, why not have a look at our page all about admission arrangements?
News, SEN
New Family Learning courses
New Family Learning courses start in January across the city. These include Fun with Family Learning (ideas for how to create and share fun learning activities with your pre-school child), How Children Learn to Read and Write, and flagship courses…
News, SEN
Safeguarding policy
The policy for Safeguarding has been updated in line with new legislation and staff changes. It can be found by clicking the link below: Policy for safeguarding 2015
News, SEN
SEND policy
The SEND policy for Fishergate Primary School has been updated in line with staff changes and adaptations to levels of support. It can be found by clicking the link below: SEN Policy 2015
News, SEN
Parenting support
Being a parent is both an incredibly rewarding and difficult job! The Parenting team led by Family Matters York are offering a number of courses when sometimes things are a bit tricky! The courses start in January. Time Out for Parents: The…
A Very Successful Book Fair
Riding Lights performance at The Cemetery
When was the last time a goat was on hoof to save the day? The Cemetery is hosting a performance of Nearly the Goat by Riding Lights on Saturday 5th Dec at 2pm. Tickets: £6 / £4 (under 12s) Further…
Forest School, News
Mountains or Molehills in the Forest School?
The team have been busy adding soil hills to our forest schools area!
They worked solidly transferring the soil from the car park to the corner of the field where the magic is happening!