
The latest collection hits the catwalk!

Thank you for showing your support for the Key Stage 1 Recycled Fashion Show.  It was a great event to celebrate the children’s creations from this term.  Many thanks to those who donated to the Macmillan Cancer Care Charity. Here are some snaps of the children in action:

Thanks again for all your support and recycling donations.  We’ve had a great time becoming fashion designers and models.

Money and Maths in KS1

In Maths we have been working on our money skills. We have been making different amounts of money with coins and using our knowledge of addition and subtraction to buy and sell items in the classroom.

Tickets Please!

We had a lovely time using our money skills to pay for train tickets to various places in York! We chose the correct coins to pay for our tickets and if we had too much money, the ticket master would give us the correct change!

Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers

active kids picOnce again we will be collecting Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers to purchase PE equipment for school. Vouchers are available in Sainsbury’s stores and online between Wednesday 28th January and Tuesday 5th May and can be sent to class teachers or put straight into the collection box on the Reception Desk. Last year was a fantastic success, with over 13,500 vouchers collected, with which we were able to purchase a new set of tennis equipment, dodgeballs, athletics hurdles and rugby balls.

sports vouchers pic

This year we are aiming to collect enough vouchers to purchase a new Table Tennis Table for 18,000 vouchers!! Your support is much appreciated, so please enlist the help of friends and family to help us achieve our goal.