We had some army visitors for the day! We really had to use all our teamwork and communication skills in some of the challenges they set us.
On Wednesday this week Y5/6 went to the Early Music Centre for a Ten Pieces Inspiration Day. We had a fantastic time listening to music played live by the York St John Concert Band, watching the Ten Pieces film and taking part in a body percussion workshop! Some children were able to sit in with the band whilst they were playing, it did get quite loud but it was great fun!
Ask any of our Y5/6 children to show you their moves from Stomp!
We even made it on to the York Press website with photos and a video!
This guide, produced by the Department for Education, “explains how the system that supports children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) works. It covers: the law and guidance on which the system is based places to go…
Following the success of last year’s Carecent charity days we have decided to support this fantastic local charity again. It is a York based charity which provides breakfasts for local homeless people. The Charity day will be held on Friday…
Fishergate gymnastics squad will be taking part in the York Partnership Gymnastics competition on Tuesday 3rd February between 4-6pm at Archbishop Holgate School. The competition will involve three separate squads, Year 1/2, Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 with the winners of each category going forward to represent York in the North Yorkshire Youth Games.
The competition will involve
Year 1/2 Year 3/4 Year 5/6
Fishergate Fishergate Fishergate
Hempland Robert Wilkinson Robert Wilkinson
CWR Elvington Elvington
Bright sparks 6 Hot off the Press! The latest Bright Sparks newsletter. Parents and carers please continue to contribute!
My Family Information Service + disabled register is for parents and carers of children (0-25yrs) with additional needs or disabilities. By joining the scheme parents and carers will receive regular newsletters and information relating to disability and additional needs in…
Welcome back to a busy spring term! We hope that everyone has had a good holiday, and has a happy 2015 ahead.