Parent Partnership

E-safety Advice for Families – Horror Films and Age Ratings

What Parents & Educators Need to Know about: Horror Films and Age Ratings

Ofcom’s latest Media Use and Attitudes Report states that most children can watch streamed films on a mobile device both in and out of the home, with 80% of UK children watching films on phones, tablets or laptops πŸ“±πŸ’» That’s a lot of youngsters who might be using their own gadgets to watch something suitably spooky this Halloween season πŸŽƒ or perhaps, something a little too frightening.

With older children in particular, it can be difficult knowing how to manage their increasing interest in more mature content – including horror films, in many cases – let alone knowing how best to safeguard them from inappropriate material. Our free guide offers expert advice not only on the risks of exposure to horror films and other potentially upsetting content, but also on preventing young viewers from seeing this material or protecting them from being too deeply affected by it if they do.

Grab our guide below!National Online Safety

Click for a larger .pdf version!

This guide is from National Online Safety.

Smartphone Free Childhood – Fishergate in the News!

We were delighted to welcome journalist and presenter Amy Garcia to school on Wednesday. She had heard about our smartphone-free pledge and wanted to put a film together to be broadcast on BBC1’s Look North programme. The children who spoke to her did themselves, and us proud. As did the parents who were captured on the playground. Our brilliant governor Alisun, who is leading the charge for us, was also superb. Take a look below if you haven’t had a chance to watch it yet!