Parent Partnership

Parenting support

Parenting and juggling the complexities of families can be really hard. There is a new Time Out course that deals specifically with Handling anger within the family. There are four sessions and are held at The Storehouse, which is next to Morrisons.

Have a look at the flyer below for further information.

Image of a child being held and hugged with the text: Time out for Parents: handling anger in the family,  7.30-9.30 Thursdays 14th/21st/28th March & 4th April, The Storehouse, for more info contact

Click to view a larger version

Slight change to the lunchtime menu

The lunchtime staff had noticed a lot of waste when Battered Fish was on the menu so we have carried out a little survey in school over the last few weeks and decided to change the menu slightly. The change only affects Week one. on Friday the option will be MSC Salmon or White Fish fingers not MSC Battered fish.

Two more slight changes – we will be serving rice, not noodles, on Thursday of week one and Pasta Bolognese in place of Spaghetti Bolognese on Thursday of week three. Please see the menu below – click the image to download a larger .pdf version.

Click to view a larger .pdf version