Parent Partnership

E-safety Sessions in 5/6

Next week North Yorkshire Police will coming to school to lead sessions in Years 5 and 6 about E-safety and how we can keep ourselves safe when using the internet.  At this afternoon’s session for KS2 parents and carers about online risks and dangers, also lead by North Yorkshire Police, we will be looking at the presentation that will be shown to children next week and will also give you some hints and tips on things that you can look out for at home, and where to go to for further advice and guidance.

You may also find our E-safety pages for parents and for children useful.


Friends of Fishergate Meeting

Dear all,

There is a Friends meeting on Thursday 9th November at 8pm in the Seahorse Pub. We are planning the film night (17th November), the Christmas shop (7th and 8th December) and the Christmas fair (19th December).

If you’d like to contribute to the discussion then do come along. If you can’t make it but are willing to be a helper on or some or all of the above then please email us on

Look forward to seeing you on Thursday!Friends of Fishergate

Secondary School Application deadline!

Click to download from the CYC website

Now that the Open Evenings have taken place, if you have a child in Year 6 who will be starting in secondary school next September you should apply by 31 October 2017. Late applications can be made after 31 October, though these may be looked at after other applications.


Please read the guide for parents before applying for a school place, it contains key information on school admissions for parents/carers.

For more information about applying to secondary school, please click here.

Now Open – September 2018 Reception Admission Applications

Click to download from the City of York Council website

The deadline for applications for a place in Reception starting in September 2018 is 15th January 2018, and applications are now open.

Late applications can still be made after 15 January, though these may be looked at after other applications.


Please read the Guide for Parents when applying for a school place, as it contains key information on school admissions.

For more information about admissions to Fishergate Primary School, please visit our Admission Arrangements page.