Calling all Fishergate Parents!
Can you lend a hand in the Forest School Area? We will be meeting every Friday from 9.00 to 9.30 am. No commitment necessary – just come along if you feel like it.
Calling all Fishergate Parents!
Can you lend a hand in the Forest School Area? We will be meeting every Friday from 9.00 to 9.30 am. No commitment necessary – just come along if you feel like it.
The school strongly discourages pupils from bringing mobile phones to school unless they have a specific reason for doing so. If your child needs to bring a phone to school, please complete the Mobile Phone Consent Form to give your permission and…
The Primary Years Parenting is the hardest job in the world and we could all do with a bit of help and encouragement. Family Matters York are holding a five-session course for parents of primary school children giving us “time…
The Fishergate Family Choir met for the last time this term on Monday. We have great fun learning new songs and singing lots of different rounds and harmonies. Here’s a little snippet!
The sun is shining, the family choir is in fine voice and some of the youngest members have been learning to conduct!