PE and Sport

401 Marathon Man Ben Smith

We had a very special visitor at Fishergate today! Ben Smith, who is running 401 marathons in 401 days to raise money for anti-bullying charities, led an assembly and then started his 254th marathon on our school field.  Children from each class in school joined him for his first mile of the day.

It was amazing and inspiring to hear about Ben’s marathon challenge.  To find out more about Ben and his amazing 401 marathon challenge you can visit Ben’s website.


How far did we run?

On Wednesday, May the Fourth, Fishergate School held a special Star Wars-themed Marathon Day.  Mrs Clarke, Mrs Deighton and Mr Priddin each ran an astonishing 26.2 miles, accompanied by every child in the school at some point, and an impressive number of…

Sport Relief

This Friday, 18th March, will see the whole school take part in Sport Relief. Children have each received a sponsor form and will once again be running the Sport Relief Mile to raise money for the charity, which will act as a starting point for our ‘Mile2Smile’ initiative.


The day will comprise of a series of sporting events and activities, including a Mini Olympics, Aerobics, a special Sport Relief assembly and the traditional staff vs pupils football match at lunch.

Pupils may come dressed as their favourite sporting personality and can hand any donations or sponsor forms to their class teacher.

Spring House Competition

DSC00157This week will see the Spring House Competitions take place between children in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. On Wednesday 16th (am), Year 5/6 will take part in football and hockey competitions, with Year 1/2 (am) and Year 3/4 (pm) competing the following day on Thursday 17th. DSC00159

At present, the Brilliant Beckhams are leading the house standings on 35 points, with the standings currently at


Brilliant Beckhams         35 points

Ennis Elites                   31 points

Superstar Simmonds      29 points

Magic Murays                 25 points


DSC00248Good luck to all teams this week. As always, parents are very welcome to come and watch these events with morning events beginning around 9.30am, and afternoon matches starting at around 1.30pm.

Gymnastics competition

Last week the gymnastics team took part in the York gymnastic finals at Archbishop’s Holgate Secondary School. Each team performed really well and the results were very close with stiff competition from other York schools. We are pleased to announce…

Autumn House Competition

DSC01697 Last week saw the whole school take part in the Autumn House Competition. Each term, children compete within one of four sporting houses, the Brilliant Beckhams (Blues), Ennis Elites (Reds), Magic Murrays (Green) and Superstar Simmonds (Yellows) to fight for the title of house champions. At the start of Year 1, children are allocated DSC01711to their team, with siblings joining the same houses as their brothers and sisters.

Children collect points for their house throughout the year, as they compete within events which they have been studying in PE. This term, children took part in Tag Rugby and Netball events, with Year 5/6 (Wednesday AM), Year 1/2 (Thursday AM) and Year 3/4 (Thursday PM) all fighting to earn points for their respective houses.

MDSC01775ost events were extremely close, with the children displaying an array of excellent passing skills in particular. The results in full are available on the Sports Partnership Results website, however the overall standing after the first round of events are:-


1st  Brilliant Beckhams     35 pts

2nd Ennis Elites               31 pts

3rd Superstar Simmonds  29 pts

4th Magic Murrays            25 pts


DSC01787The next round of house competitions will take place at the end of the Spring Term, when children will get the chance to compete with Hockey and Football competitions.

Tennis Coaching

This week, pupils were lucky enough to be given some expert tennis tuition from local LTA Tennis Coach Andy Crockett. Andy popped into school to deliver taster sessions to pupils across Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, working with children to introduce a range of serving and striking skills.


After Christmas, children will have the opportunity to sign up for Indoor Tennis Clubs after school. KS2 Indoor Tennis will take place on Tuesday from 3.30-4.15 and cost £3 per session, whilst KS1 sessions will be on Thursdays, again from 3.30-4.15.

Should you be interested in signing your child up for tennis clubs, please indicate this on the clubs list which went out on Wednesday and return to your class teacher. Alternatively, you may fill in the tennis letter which children received on Thursday and return to your class teacher.





Sportshall Athletics Triumph

DSC01506Congratulations to the Fishergate Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics team who won their cluster festival last Wednesday at Archbishop Holgate School.

Sportshall Teams - Finals The children took part in a series of track and field events, with 9 boys and 9 girls from Upper KS2 representing the school against teams from Elvington, St Oswalds, Clifton With Rawcliffe and Badger Hill.

Fishergate ran out convincing winners, DSC01509finishing 43 points clear of their nearest rivals to qualify for the York area finals, which took place at Millthorpe School two days later.

Once again the children put in a fantastic performance, but were unable to match their previous success, finishing in sixth place overall. The whole team should be immensely proud of their efforts and were fantastic representatives for the school.

The teams were :-

Girls – Maddie Stewart, Bella Gibson, Hope Stenson, Rosa Evans, Olivia Butterworth, Christina Gill, Martha Fisher, Phoebe Thomas and Christina Gill.

Boys – Finlay Dunn, George Burt, William Hargreaves, Freddie Dook, Miley Smith, Harry Taylor, Jessie Smith, Charlie Thorpe, Thibaut Mair and Henry Johnson