PE and Sport

Tag Rugby Success!

Congratulations to the Fishergate Year 5/6 Tag Rugby team, who were the joint winners of the Fulford cluster festival. The tournament took place at Fulford School, alongside teams from Naburn, St Oswalds and Elvington. 2015-09-30 16.43.13

The first game against St Oswalds was drawn 6-6, before Fishergate claimed convincing wils against Naburn (8-2) and Elvington (7-1). Amazingly, both Fishergate and St Oswalds finished with identical results, scoring the same amount of tries. As joint winners, both school will go forward to the York finals, which will take place in June. 2015-09-30 17.02.50

Children who represented the school were Christina Gill, Finley Dunn, Martha Fisher, Freddie Dook, Finn Sainty, Miley Smith, Olivia Butterworth, Charlie Thorpe, William Hargreaves, James Wang and Jessie Smith.

Really get cycling!

Following on from the previous post……

These are the clips showing the “Get Cycling” experience.

In the beginning……

At the end of the morning……

I think it’s fair to say it was a very successful day!

Get Cycling!

On Friday 25th September we were lucky enough to take one of our pupils for her first ever cycling session at Get Cycling.  The session was amazing! Thanks to the support and patience of Mick, she was able to use…

House Competition Winners

Katie with trophyAfter the results of the Summer House Competition and the KS1 and KS2 Sports Days, DSC00779the final house competition standings have been calculated between our four house teams, the Brilliant Beckhams, Ennis Elites, Magic Murrays and Superstar Simmonds.

The results were announced during the final celebration assembly of the year, with this year’s winning team being the yellow team, the SUPERSTAR SIMMONDS. The victorious team captain, Katie Haygarth collected the trophy for her team, which will proudly display her teams colours for the following year.

The final standing were

1. Superstar Simmonds     294 points

2. Magic Murrays              273 points

3. Ennis Elites                  272 points

4. Brilliant Beckhams        262 points

SimmondsCongratulations to all the Superstar Simmonds on their achievement. All the house competitions and sports days have been a fantastic success this year, with the children displaying excellent attitudes, sportsmanship and endeavour. Children will continue in their house teams next year, with the new Year 1 children being given their houses in September.

KS1 Sports Day

DSC00645Last Wednesday, 2nd July, saw the annual Fishergate Key Stage 1 Sports Day take place. Children competed in one of their four house teams, Brilliant Beckhams (Blue), Ennis Elites (Red), Magic Murrays (Green) or Superstar Simmonds (Yellow). Over the course of the afternoon, children were given the opportunity to take part in track events, including the sprint race, beanbag race, tennis ball race and team relay, as well as field events such as javelin, discuss, speed bounce and long jump.

The afternoon was a fantastic success, DSC00626which the children thoroughly enjoyed and which took place in glorious sunshine. Thank you to all parents who helped out on the day, and to those who were brave enough to take part in the parent races!! Thanks for all your support.

The final results of the day were

1. Superstar Simmonds     99 points

2. Magic Murrays              96 points

3. Brilliant Beckhams        88 points

4. Ennis Elites                  85 points



KS2 Sports Day

DSC00645  Last Thursday, 3rd July, saw this DSC00675year’s Key Stage 2 Sports Day take place, under clear blue skies on the school field. The event consisted of a series of track and field events, with children competing to earn points for their house team. Year 3/4 children began on the track, taking part in the sprint race, beanbag race and team relays, whilst Year 5/6 started on the field to compete in the javelin, discus, speed bounce and long jumps events. At the halfway stage, each phase changed over to complete the rest of their events.

DSC00768The day was keenly contested, with children havingDSC00671 been differentiated into ability races. When the results were tallied up, three of the team were extremely close, with only the winners, Superstar Simmonds, clearly emerging from the pack. The results of the day were as follows

1. Superstar Simmonds

2. Magic Murrays

3. Ennis Elites

4. Brilliant Beckhams

Thank you to everyone who was able to help out on the day, it really helped to make the day a great event, rounded off by some fantastic parent races!!

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North Yorkshire Games Gymnastics Finals

Last week saw the Fishergate Year 1/2 and Year 5/6 teams represent the city of York in the North Yorkshire Games finals against the best gymnastic squads from around North Yorkshire. The teams had qualified for the finals by winning the York finals event in February and were competing against teams from Harrogate, Scarborough, Selby, Ryedale, Craven, Hambleton and Richmondshire.

The event was held at The Mount GetAttachment[1]School, York, where our gymnasts had the opportunity to meet former England gymnast Craig Heap, who had previously captained the England gymnastics team to a Gold medal in the Commonwealth Games.

Both of our teams performed fantastically well on the day, and were a credit to the school for their effort, behaviour and sportsmanship. The Year 1/2 team just missed out on the medal positions, finishing in 4th place, whilst the Year 5/6 team finished in 8th place against some very strong gymnastic squads.

A special thanks must go to Miss Heyes and Miss Devrall for putting so much effort into training both the squads, and other gymnastic clubs in school. Thanks to both of the staff and all the children for their hard work, and the future of gymnastics at Fishergate looks very promising!


Summer House Competition

Basketball y56Wednesday 24th and Thursday 25th June saw the final round of house competition for the year. Children in each phase of school took part in Basketball and Rounders’ competitions against other houses. Wednesday saw Year 5/6 children battle it out amongst the Ennis Elites, Brilliant Beckhams, Magic Murrays and Superstar Simmonds, whilst Year 1/2 and 3/4 had their own competitions the following day.


After the Spring round of competition the scores were really close. The Superstar Simmonds (Yellow) were leading the way on 62 points, with the Ennis Elites (Red) and Magic Murrays (Greens) tied on 60 points and the Brilliant Beckhams (Blue) hot on their heels on 58 points.GetAttachment[1]


After the Summer round of competition there have been big changes at the top of the leaderboard, with last year’s winners, Ennis Elites storming to the top with a score of 94 points, followed by the Magic Murrays who have moved into outright 2nd place on 90 points. Formers leaders, Superstar Simmonds have dropped into 3rd on 89 points, whilst the Brilliant Beckhams remain in 4th place, just one point behind on 88 points.


DSC00517The final opportunity for children to win points DSC00467for their sporting houses will be on their sports days this week. The winner of this years House Competition will then be announced at a special Sporting celebration assembly on July 10th.


KS1 and KS2 Sports Days

SONY DSCJust a quick reminder that Key Stage 1 Sports Afternoon will be taking place tomorrow (Thursday 2nd July), with the Key Stage 2 Sports Day taking place the following day (Friday 3rd July). Proceedings should begin around 1pm and finish at approximately 3.15 on both days.

The forecast is very good for both days so please ensure your child has a water bottle, sun hat and sun-cream with them.

The format will be similar to last year, with track events taking place on one half of the field and field events taking place on the other. There will also be parent races so don’t forget to bring your trainers!


Year 5/6 Tennis Competition

DSC00398Wednesday, 17th June saw the Yr 5/6 tennis team take part in the City of York finals competition at Wigginton Tennis Club. Ten teams from across York competed in two leagues, with the winners of each group playing a final to decide who would represent York in the North Yorkshire Youth Games.

The Fishergate team was comprised of Year 5 girls Hope Stenson and Phoebe Thomas, as well as Year 6 boys Jackson Goodfellow and Annerudh Ramikrishnan. Each player played 4 matches, with games being decided by the first player to reach 7 points. The cumulative score of each team was then calculated to decide finishing positions.

The team displayed some excellent tennis skills and sportsmanship, but just lacked a bit of consistency, eventually finishing in 4th place in their group. If any children wish to join a tennis club outside of school, Wigginton Tennis Club run children’s sessions on a Saturday morning.

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