A huge thank you to everyone who contributed a gift towards this year’s Salvation Army Christmas toy appeal. Two volunteers came and collected all our donations today and the donations filled up the whole car!All gifts will be distributed to…
School Council
News, School Council
Fishergate’s Got Talent 2024: Tickets on Sale
Fishergate’s Got Talent tickets are on sale from the school office today (you can also pay on the night) £2 Adult ticket 50p Child ticket Please bring along exact cash where possible. All finalists to be announced by the end…
School Council
Break The Rules Day Update
A huge well done to the school council for organising one of the most popular days in school that we have ever had.
The children loved being able to bring chocolate in instead of crisps, wear make-up, have juice in their water bottles and wear their own clothes – among many, many ideas.
They raised the fabulous sum of £524.24!!!!!
School Council, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
..Star Wars Charity Marathon Day is back! THIS YEAR ON WEDNESDAY 1ST MAY! On May 1st all pupils will be asked to come into school dressed in PE clothes (or sportswear) and trainers… ready to run. This year we will…
School Council
Salvation Army Christmas Gift Appeal 2023
Every year the Salvation Army collect gifts for children and teenagers who receive very little at Christmas. Last year, they distributed toys and gifts to hundreds of children from York and the surrounding area – and our school donated over…
Community News, News, Parent Partnership, School Council
School Council Letter about Christmas Charity Fundraising
School Council
Fishergate’s Got Talent 2023
The winners and wildcards for Fishergate’s Got Talent 2023 will soon be announced. A huge thank you to all those who took part in class auditions and a massive congratulations to all the winners and wildcards who have made it through to this…
School Council
May the fourth Be With You….A huge thank you!
Thank you to all pupils, staff and families who ran a mile (or more) on our annual May the Fourth Star Wars charity event. Thank you to everyone who supported this event by cheering on the runners and donating to…
PE and Sport, School Council
May the Fourth Be With You…
…Star Wars Charity Marathon Day is back!
On May 4th all pupils will be asked to come into school dressed in PE clothes (or sportswear) and trainers… ready to run. This year we will be raising money for the Macmillan cancer charity and we ask that all donations are made via this JustGiving link:
Macmillan gives people with cancer everything they’ve got. If you’re diagnosed, your worries are Macmillan’s worries. Macmillan’s doing whatever it takes. But without your help, Macmillan can’t support everyone who needs them.
Any donation you can give is much appreciated. We all know someone who has been affected by cancer and having a charity like Macmillan there to support those people and their families is priceless. Anything we raise through this marathon day will support their work.
Throughout the day classes will go out onto the school field to run a mile with Mrs Clarke. This year we would like to invite parents, carers, family members and friends to come along and support their child’s class or even to run with them! Please come round to the school field (at the back of school) when your child’s class is running.

Darth Vader needs YOU to run a mile with Mrs Clarke on our Star Wars Marathon Day!
- 9 to 9.30: Miss Craggs/Miss Deverall’s class (year 3/4)
- 9.30 to 10: Mrs Engleman’s class (year 3/4)
- 10 to 10.30: Mrs Ekers’ class (year 3/4)
- 10.45 to 11.15: Mrs Moss’ class (year 1/2)
- 11.15 to 11.45: Ms Renny’s class (year 1/2)
- 11.45 to 12.15: Mr Pennington’s class (year 1/2)
- 12.45 EYU
- 1.15 to 1.45: Mrs Walton’s class (year 5/6)
- 1.45 to 2.15: Miss Ball’s class (year 5/6)
- 2.15 to 2.45: Ms Rees/Mr Burnell’s class (year 5/6)
Many thanks for all your support…let’s run together and raise as much money as we can!
(And an extra thank you to all the school councillors who put together the 360 medals needed for the day)
Good luck to Mrs Clarke (who will be running all day) and May the Fourth be With You everyone 🙂
School Council
Bake Off 2023
This year’s Bake Off will be slightly different. Pupils in KS1 and KS2 will be invited to take part in this competition. You can enter by yourself or in a team (maximum of 4 per team). You can collect a form from your class and design a cake. The school council will then pick 1 winner from each class. The winners from each class will go into the final and they will be asked to bake their winning cake design and bring it into school for a panel of judges to taste.
- Letter and design sheets home Monday 6th February
- Design entries returned by 24th February
- Finalists announced Friday 3rd March
- Finalists’ cakes to be brought into school: TBC
Good luck if you are taking part 🙂
Fishergate School Council