School Council

Governors’ Question Time

On Wednesday 1st March two school governors came to our school council meeting: Jackie Hudson (chair of governors) and Graham Whitmore. Here is what we asked them and their (paraphrased) answers: Qu from Megan: What do school governors do? Answer…

RSPB Big Schools’ Birdwatch

On Thursday 16th February the School Council took part in the RSPB Big Schools’ Birdwatch. We went to the Cemetery on Cemetery Rd and counted the birds that we saw. We counted robins, blackbirds, wood pigeons, lots of magpies and…

Salvation Army Christmas Toy Appeal

 Thank you to everyone who brought in gifts for the Salvation Army Toy appeal.We have donated 94 gifts for children aged between 0-17 years. Thank you for your generosity. Last Friday Major Andrew Dunkinson came in to school to collect…

Save the Children: Christmas Jumper Day

Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day logo

Click the picture to visit their website!

On Friday 16th December we’re inviting all pupils to take part in Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day.

The whole school will be taking part. You won’t need to splash out on a snazzy new sweater to join the fun-simply decorate an old woolly jumper or just come in something festive e.g. tinsel, a Christmas hat or come dressed up as Father Christmas- it’s up to you.

We’re asking pupils to make a £1 donation, or whatever they can give, to help save children’s lives across the world. 

If you would like more information about Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day, please see

Thank you for your support.

Merry Christmas.

Fishergate School Council


Salvation Army Christmas Gift Appeal

Every year the Salvation Army collect gifts for children and teenagers who receive very little at Christmas. In 2015 they distributed toys and gifts to over 550 children from York and the surrounding area.   Last year Fishergate Primary donated over…

Children in Need Day


Click on the picture to visit the Children in Need website!

This year the school council would like you to dress up in spots/zig zags/stripes/patterns for Children in Need. There are Pudsey prizes to be won for the most creative costumes.

Please bring in a £1 donation on Friday 18th November for Children in Need.

Children in Need day!!

 It’s that time of year again! It’s Children in Need day on Friday 18th November. This year the school council would like everyone to dress up in spots/stripes/zig-zags/patterned clothes. There are Pudsey prizes to be won for the most creative…