School Council


…thank you to everyone who took part in this year School Council elections. It was fantastic to see so many pupils putting themselves forward to be on the School Council. Please don’t be too disappointed if you have not been…

School Council Achievements

 Thank you to all pupils, staff, Friends of Fishergate, parents and carers for supporting the school council over the last academic year. The school council has achieved many things including: supporting the Salvation Army Christmas appeal, holding our annual Carecent…

Carecent Day: A thank you

Thank you once again for donating over a hundred tins of beans, tomatoes, bags of sugar, bottles of shower gel and shampoo (and many other much needed items) for the local charity Carecent. Please find attached a letter from the Carecent charity:…

A huge thank you!

Thank you to everyone who brought in donations and dressed up for our annual Carecent charity day. Once again your generosity has been amazing. Nicky from Carecent had a car load full of donations to be used at Carecent in the coming…

Pride pickers are back!

Fishergate School pride pickers are back. Thank you to all the pupils who have volunteered to pick up litter around our school. Each of you will get a turn to help to keep our school tidy in the coming weeks.…