Thank you to everyone who brought in donations and dressed up for our annual Carecent charity day. Once again your generosity has been amazing. Nicky from Carecent had a car load full of donations to be used at Carecent in the coming…
School Council
School Council
Pride pickers are back!
Fishergate School pride pickers are back. Thank you to all the pupils who have volunteered to pick up litter around our school. Each of you will get a turn to help to keep our school tidy in the coming weeks.…
School Council
Carecent Charity Day
Carecent charity day: Friday 26th February Carecent charity day is back! After half term we will be asking you to bring in your donations of tinned food for this amazing local charity. This year the charity desperately needs tinned beans,…
Art & Design News, Forest School, School Council
Forest School Competition
In the school field, Friends of Fishergate have been very busy creating a ‘forest school’ area for pupils to use. They have asked the school council to organise a competition inviting pupils to design a forest school logo. The winning…
School Council
Salvation Army: A thank you
Thank you again to everyone who donated to the Salvation Army Christmas Appeal. Before Christmas the Salvation Army provided toys to 557 local children. Every child who was referred to the Salvation Army received a present. We have received a…
Champions of Change, School Council
Spring term projects
This term we are focusing on helping to develop the forest schools area, starting up our pride picker teams, creating outdoor clubs and having a Carecent charity day. We will also be working with the new Champions of Change group to help…
School Council
Salvation Army update
Just to let you know that the Salvation Army Gift Appeal this year has distributed presents to 550 local children. Thank you again for your support with this appeal. Merry Christmas and best wishes for the new year. Fishergate School…
School Council
Salvation Army Christmas Gift Appeal: A huge thank you!
Thank you to everyone who donated presents for the Salvation Army Christmas Gift Appeal. We donated 87 presents in total. Andrew Dunkinson from the Salvation Army came in to collect the donations today and was very thankful for the donations. He…
School Council
Children in Need day 2015
Thank you to everyone who took part in Children in Need day. You all looked fantastic with your crazy hair styles and painted faces. A special thanks to Pamela and the friends of Fishergate for donating last Fridays cake sales…
School Council
Children in Need Day: Friday 13th November
On Friday 13th November we will be supporting Children in Need. We are asking that everyone brings in a £1 donation to support this National charity. Pupils can come in non-uniform, but there is a twist…..we would like you all…