School Council

School council: Elections

Thank you for supporting the school council this year. We have had a great year and have enjoyed working on a variety of projects. We have found out what pupils think of hot dinners and playtimes, set up a pride picking team, spoken…

Carecent needs our support!

On Monday 7th July the school council went to visit the local York charity Carecent which provides breakfasts for homeless people, and those in need, in our community. Fishergate school supported this charity in February by donating over 200 tins…

Positive Playtimes: The Results

Thank you to everyone who completed their positive playtimes questionnaire. The School Council Team are collating the results… Suggestions has come up about year 6s going on the play equipment on Mondays at morning and afternoon play when the EYU are…

Positive playtimes

Positive playtimes week: Monday 19th May to Friday 23rd May We want to find out what you think about playtimes. Do you enjoy playtimes? Can playtimes be made better? We will be asking what you think next week. More details in…