It’s Comic Relief’s Red Nose Day on Friday 19th March. Pupils can come into school dressed up in non-uniform or as a superhero 🙂 If pupils have PE or Forest Schools on this day then please send them to school with…
School Council
School Council
A huge thank you: Salvation Army Toy Appeal
Thank you to everyone who donated a gift to our Salvation Army Toy Appeal. Your generosity in this tough year has been outstanding. We collected more gifts than we ever have before.
All gifts and toys have now been donated to the Salvation Army who will make sure that local children receive them in time for Christmas.
Thank you once again, your support is much appreciated.
- Andrew from the Salvation Army
- All the toys we collected
School Council
Save the Children: Christmas Jumper Day
On Friday 11th December we are inviting all pupils to take part in Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day.
The whole school will be taking part. You won’t need to splash out on a snazzy new sweater to join the fun-simply decorate an old woolly jumper or just come in something festive e.g. tinsel, a Christmas hat or come dressed up as Father Christmas- it’s up to you.
We’re asking pupils to make a £1 donation, or whatever they can give, to help save children’s lives across the world. THIS YEAR WE WOULD LIKE DONATIONS TO BE MADE VIA PARENT PAY.
If you would like more information about Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day, please see
Thank you for your support.
Merry Christmas.
Fishergate School Council
School Council
Salvation Army Christmas Gift Appeal 2020
Every year the Salvation Army collect gifts for children and teenagers who receive very little at Christmas – and this year they need our help more than ever. Last year, they distributed toys and gifts to over 600 children from York and the surrounding area – and our school donated over 90 toys towards this appeal.
If you would like to donate any new gifts, for children aged 0-17, please pass them to your child to bring into school between now and Thursday 3rd December.
The Salvation Army will come and collect any donated gifts and give them to local children who need them the most.
We do appreciate what a tough year this has been for a lot of us, so any support for this charity appeal would be much appreciated. We do hope that you feel able to contribute a gift for this valuable cause.
Thank you.
News, School Council
Children in Need: Friday 13th November
It is Children in Need day on Friday 13th November. All pupils are invited to come into school in non-uniform. You can dress up in spots, stripes, patterns- it is up to you! Donations for this amazing charity can be made through Parent Pay (or you can bring in ÂŁ1 donation on the day).
Many thanks for your support.
News, PE and Sport, School Council
May the Fourth Marathon Day: Cancelled…for now!
Dear All
As a result of school closures, we have had to cancel the ‘May the 4th be with you’ marathon day. We plan on rescheduling this day for later on in the year.
We think that when we can safely run it, it will be a lovely way to celebrate school being re-opened and us all being back together. So until then stay safe and….
Fishergate School Council
School Council
Carecent day and non-uniform day: Friday 31st January
Carecent is a local charity which supports the homeless and vulnerable people in our community. They provide breakfasts, clothing, showering facilities, alongside support and advice 6 days a week. This year we are asking for pupils to come in non-uniform and bring in ÂŁ1 donation for this amazing charity. All money raised will go towards the running of this homeless centre.
This year the non-uniform theme is New Zealand! Mr Kelly will sadly be leaving the school on Friday 31st January and is moving to New Zealand. As a fitting tribute to his time here at Fishergate we are asking that pupils come dressed up as something to do with New Zealand. Here are some things to help you with your costumes…..kiwis, cricket, rugby, sheep….or anything else you can think of!
So don’t forget your ÂŁ1 donation and to come dressed as a New Zealander on Friday 31st January. Many thanks for your support.
Fishergate School Council
School Council
A thank you from the Salvation Army
News, School Council
Bake Off Final 2019
Thank you to all Key Stage 2 pupils who made a cake or biscuit for this year’s Great Fishergate Bake Off. The judges had an excellent time eating all your baked goodies and said the standards were amazing.
Well done to all our finalists who made it through to the Bake Off final. We had Grace, Edgar and Kester from Year 3/4 and Leo, Carina and Connie from year 5/6.
The judges found it hard to pick a winning cake, but after much deliberation they judged the winning cake to be Carina’s Christmas Emoji cake. Well done Carina! Each finalist received an exclusive Bake Off apron and Carina also received a winner’s trophy.
Thank you to all the judges: Miss Solanki, Mr Kelly, Anya, Susannah, Evie, Ada, Jamie, Sunshine, Delphi and Issy- it was a hard job I am sure!
Thank you all for your support and hard work.
Fishergate School Council