Bright sparks 6 Hot off the Press! The latest Bright Sparks newsletter. Parents and carers please continue to contribute!
News, SEN
Have you heard of the MAX card?
My Family Information Service + disabled register is for parents and carers of children (0-25yrs) with additional needs or disabilities. By joining the scheme parents and carers will receive regular newsletters and information relating to disability and additional needs in…
Animations made by young people-Limetrees
Several groups of young people attending Lime trees have made animations on a range of subjects from Asperger’s syndrome to making friends. It is a fascinating insight into the minds of young people and what they see as priorities. Food for thought!
You can find more on their website:
News, SEN
WEA courses
The Workers’ Education association are running two courses in the Spring term of 2015. There is a Helping in Schools course starting on 13th January for 10 weeks at St. Lawrence’s Children’s centre and a Helping with Special Educational Needs…
Access Policy
Fishergate Primary School access policy. This policy will be reviewed annually in consultation with the school premises committee. Access-policy
Supporting pupils with medical conditions policy
Fishergate Primary School policy on supporting pupils with medical conditions. This policy details the provision implemented for those with both long and short term medical needs. Supporting-pupils-with-medical-conditions
SEN policy
Fishergate Primary School SEN policy. This has been reviewed in line with the new Code of Practise and will be reviewed annually. SEN Policy 2014
Bright Sparks, News, Parent Partnership, SEN
Bright Sparks 5
The latest edition of the Bright Sparks Newsletter. This edition includes an invitation for tea and cake so check it out! Please continue to contribute to this! Bright sparks 5
Special Educational Needs reforms-letter to parents
Edward Timpson from the Department for Education has written a letter to parents explaining the SEN reforms. This letter can be found by clicking the following link:
Working Memory
Many children and adults (including myself!) have working memory difficulties. This is a really interesting clip to explain what working memory is and how it can impact learning.