Year 1&2

The Book Fair is coming!

The Book Fair will be on from Wednesday 14th November to Monday 19th November, from 3.15 to 3.45 in the Lower Hall. The Book Fair generates a lot of free books for each class, chosen by the children themselves, so it is well worth supporting. In order to keep the Fair from being too crowded, each phase has its own night:

  • Early Years – Wednesday 14th
  • Key Stage One – Thursday 15th
  • Year 3/4 – Friday 16th
  • Year 5/6 – Monday 19th

It will be great to see you there!

Memory Walk

On Friday 26th October we will again be having a Harry Potter themed non-uniform day in memory of Jenny Baldock who sadly passed away 2 years ago.

All pupils are invited to come into school dressed as a character from Harry Potter- Jenny was a big fan so we decided that this was a fitting tribute to her. Pupils are asked to bring in £1 donation which will go towards redeveloping the John Lally garden at school.

At 1.15pm on Friday 26th October pupils from Key Stage 1 and 2 will be going on a walk to remember our former colleague and friend. We will all be walking up to Millennium Bridge and back.

We need parent/carer volunteers to come along for the walk. If you can come along at please see your class teacher.

Thank you for your support.

Jo Heyes and Fishergate School Council

School Council Election Results

Here is our school council 2018-19

Thank you to everyone who nominated themselves to be on the School Council this year. As always the results were very close and when they were announced in Friday’s celebration assembly, the response to those who had been successful was very supportive. 

Every class in Key Stage 1 and 2 has one School Council member. They will work hard to ensure that all your ideas are listened to and will help to make the school an even better place to be.



The return of the cake sale!

Friends of Fishergate are pleased to announce that the Autumn term brings the return to the lower hall of the fabulous Fishergate cake sale!  Year 1/2 will be getting the baking and fundraising ball rolling on the 5th October so we’d really appreciate if parents and carers of children in the year one and year two classes could bring a contribution (no nuts please!) on that day – or lend a hand with the selling! Keep an eye on the school calendar and newsletters for more dates.

Amended 2018-19 Term Dates/Training Days

Click here to download the updated 2018-2019 Term Dates Letter

The change is pupils will now return to school on Monday 29th April, and the training day will now be on Monday 22nd July 2019.  You can also find the term dates for 2017-2018, 2018-2019 and the provisional term dates for 2019-2020* on our terms dates page

*Please note that the 2019-2020 term dates are the recommended term dates provided by City of York Council for schools in the City of York area; as usual, all schools will also be closed to pupils for a further 5 School Training/Professional Development Days in 2019-2020 and we will inform parents and carers of these training dates next year.

Welcome to KS1 meeting

We would like to invite parents of children who  will be moving into Key Stage 1 in September to our welcome meeting.  You will have the opportunity to meet your child’s class teacher and ask any questions you may have…

Great Fires of London

Key stage 1 children loved their great fires of London topic!! It seemed a shame to set fire to the houses they had constructed out of cardboard and straw and then painted!! But we did!!! (Click to enlarge the pictures)

We watched from a safe distance as the fire started in the bakery and took hold very quickly!! Within minutes they were burned to the ground!! Not like the days it took in 1666!!  Super hands on learning!!

KS1 learn about Holi

Key Stage 1 learnt about Holi the Hindu festival of colour! They experimented with powder paint but refrained from throwing it at the teachers!

We discovered that Hindus remember how good triumphed over evil and the importance of the bonfire! A fantastic hands on session!!