Year 1&2

Learning about Shabbat

Key stage one have been learning about the Jewish festival of Shabbat.  Rachael Reeves came in to school to talk to us about what happens during this very special meal which marks the beginning of the Sabbath, for Jewish families.

We learnt that at the start of the meal on a Friday evening, Rachael  lights the Shabbat candle and recites a prayer. The family drinks wine or grape juice from silver goblets and say special blessings. They also eat special bread called Challah bread. Rachael baked some especially for us. It was delicious!  We learnt that Shabbat is a time to talk and celebrate with family, and to catch up on news.

Lisons ensemble!

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Year 6 came to visit Mrs Moss’ class to share the fantastic French books that they have created with the Year 1 children.  A Fishergate, on aime beaucoup lire ensemble!


On Thursday 13th December Ben Rich and Rachael Reeves (parents of Aaron in Year 5) came into school to explore the Jewish festival of Chanukah with Key Stage One.

The children learnt the story of Chanukah, the symbolism of lighting candles and even got to eat donuts!

Thank you Ben and Rachael for coming to see us!

The Book Fair is coming!

Classes will be able to browse the shelves and buy books in the lower hall from 3:15 to 3:45.  To avoid it getting too crowded please can we ask that classes come on the following days:

EYU ~ Wednesday 15th November

KS1 ~ Thursday 16th November

Year 3/4 ~ Friday 17th November

Year 5/6 ~ Monday 20th November


A visit to St Lawrence’s Church

On Thursday 29th June Y1/2 visited St. Lawrence’s church in York as part of our RE unit of work ‘What makes some places sacred?’

We learnt about why going to church is important to Christians. We found out about what Christians do in church such as reading the bible, singing songs and saying prayers. In some churches the leader wears special clothes too – some of us even got to try them on! Thank you Rev Jane for making our visit such a lot of fun!

Don’t forget that this Friday 30th June is non-uniform day to support the summer fair. Please bring in tombola prizes, filled jam jars (sweets, crafts, marbles whatever you like), bottles for the bottle stall, teddies and toys (NO books or second hand clothes other than uniform please).


Please find your class stall list outside the classrooms and sign up or tell Emma in the office and she will put your name down. Half an hour from each parent helps enormously. If you can stay to help at 5pm to help clear up please do…..


We need to be able to play music for the gymnasts to do their display and we will also need a microphone, both with amplification. Can you help? Where can we borrow from?? Final plea for cake contributions on the day – thank-you – let’s make it a great summer fair xFriends of Fishergate


Last choir next week – 28th June

To all the parents, carers and children,

Thank you for all your hard work and support this year at choir.  We have taken part in so many different activities this school year, including carol singing in the city centre and at Selby Abbey, singing at the Cgristmas fair and, of course, Young Voices.  You have all been brilliant!

Next week (Wednesday 28th June) will be out last choir session before the summer holidays as there are so many different things happening in the last few weeks of term for both staff and pupils.

We hope to see lots of familiar faces back at choir next year.  We have another very exciting year ahead of us!

Kind regards,

Rachel Teale and Liz Spain.