Below is a copy of the letter and form sent home with details of all the clubs on offer over the spring term. We ask that you go through the list with your child and select three clubs that they…
Year 1&2
Community News, Early Years, News, School Council, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Children in Need Day
This year the school council would like you to dress up in spots/zig zags/stripes/patterns for Children in Need. There are Pudsey prizes to be won for the most creative costumes.
Please bring in a £1 donation on Friday 18th November for Children in Need.
Music News, News, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Music Assembly
On Thursday we had our first curriculum music assembly of the academic year. This is where all KS1 and KS2 get to perform the song they have been learning in their curriculum music lessons. The assembly started with the KS1 children’s rousing performance of ‘Hey You’, a hip- hop song written for young children by Joanna Mangona.
This was followed by the Y3/ 4 children who chilled us all out by singing ‘Three Little Birds’ , the classic reggae hit by Bob Marley. All 90 children sang and performed actions for the song they had been working hard on whilst learning about reggae music as a genre in itself.
Finally, the Y5/6 children raised the roof with ‘Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey, a rapturous finale to a fantastic assembly.
All children took part in this wonderful assembly which involved both singing and instrumental playing. At Fishergate we arrange these inclusive music assemblies to celebrate what children in school have been learning in their curriculum music lessons as part of our music vision.
Thank you to all parents and carers who came along to the assembly and to Liz Spain, Kathryn Fenwick and Andrea Walton for their hard work teaching the children music this half term.
News, Year 1&2
Pirate Mayhem in KS1
There have been some strange events in KS1. Three mysterious treasure chests found their ways into the KS1 classrooms. Letters from the fierce Captain Teachum soon arrived to explain how to look after his treasure. We have had a Jolly…
Early Years, News, PE and Sport, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Autumn Term Clubs
Music News, RE News, Year 1&2, Year 3&4
Community Carol Concert, 10/12/15 2pm
KS1 & Year 3/4 Parent’s and Carers are invited to join us on Thursday 10th December at St Lawrence’s church at 2pm for a carol service joint with St Lawrence’s school. Please come along and join us if you can!
Early Years, English News, News, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
The Book Fair is here!
RE News, Year 1&2
Learning about baptism
News, RE News, Year 1&2
Rosh Hashanah
Rachael Reeves explored the Jewish festival of Rosh Hashanah with Y1/2 children.
Charity Day, News, Year 1&2
Send My Friend to School Day 2015
Friday 26th June 2015 is national ‘Send My Friend to School’ day. The school council arranged for our school to be part of this national day of action. ‘Send My Friend to School’ is a global campaign that aims to…