Year 1&2

Animation Fun!

Samson animation

Samson did a great job of showing movement in his animation.  Miss McBride was very proud!

Delicious! Or is it…

Ice Cream Challenge March 2015

As part of science week, the Stem Challenge Team from Fulford School, were invited and set KS1 the challenge of making ice-cream! The children used ice, salt, cream and some strange ingredients to make savoury ice-cream! Then the teachers had to sample the finished product!

As you can see from the photos, this was not a pleasant experience!

The latest collection hits the catwalk!

Thank you for showing your support for the Key Stage 1 Recycled Fashion Show.  It was a great event to celebrate the children’s creations from this term.  Many thanks to those who donated to the Macmillan Cancer Care Charity. Here are some snaps of the children in action:

Thanks again for all your support and recycling donations.  We’ve had a great time becoming fashion designers and models.

Money and Maths in KS1

In Maths we have been working on our money skills. We have been making different amounts of money with coins and using our knowledge of addition and subtraction to buy and sell items in the classroom.

Tickets Please!

We had a lovely time using our money skills to pay for train tickets to various places in York! We chose the correct coins to pay for our tickets and if we had too much money, the ticket master would give us the correct change!