Year 1&2
Early Years, News, Parent Partnership, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Spring Menu from 8/3/21

Click for a larger .pdf version
Early Years, News, Newsletters, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Mrs Clarke’s letter to the children 25/2/21
Community News, Early Years, English News, News, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
World Book Day 2021
Coronavirus & Closure Updates & Letters, Early Years, News, Parent Partnership, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Information about Live Online Teaching
Some of our learning offer is live using Google Meet, and occasionally Zoom. When your child is
accepted into a video chat by their teacher, there are certain guidelines we all must follow. Please see the document linked to find out about our protocols and expectations for live online teaching.
Click here to find more information about remote, blended and home learning at Fishergate School.
Coronavirus & Closure Updates & Letters, Early Years, News, Parent Partnership, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Fishergate’s Online Learning Offer
Online learning is now well underway and we have copied the relevant part of our Home Learning Policy to remind you of what you can expect: Daily lessons (Maths, English and topic) will be posted on Google Classroom by 9am.…
Community News, Coronavirus & Closure Updates & Letters, Early Years, News, Parent Partnership, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Support for and from York Foodbank
During term time we have regular Foodbank collection for York Foodbank – we will flag this in the newsletter when it happens!
Coronavirus & Closure Updates & Letters, Early Years, News, Newsletters, Parent Partnership, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Mrs Clarke’s Letter to the Children 15/1/21
Coronavirus & Closure Updates & Letters, Early Years, News, Newsletters, Parent Partnership, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Letter to Parents & Carers from City of York Council, 12th Jan 2021
Click here to download the letter as a .pdf
- Click for a larger version