Year 3&4

Y3/4 Weekly Learning 19.11.18

Black silhouette of a horned dragon on a white backgroundIn maths, we will be looking at ordering and comparing numbers to 1000 and beyond. We will be doing this practically before moving on to pictorial and abstract questions.

In English, we will continue writing our stories about dragons.

In Science, we will be learning all about teeth. We will learn about the names and functions of different teeth.

The Book Fair is coming!

The Book Fair will be on from Wednesday 14th November to Monday 19th November, from 3.15 to 3.45 in the Lower Hall. The Book Fair generates a lot of free books for each class, chosen by the children themselves, so it is well worth supporting. In order to keep the Fair from being too crowded, each phase has its own night:

  • Early Years – Wednesday 14th
  • Key Stage One – Thursday 15th
  • Year 3/4 – Friday 16th
  • Year 5/6 – Monday 19th

It will be great to see you there!

Memory Walk

On Friday 26th October we will again be having a Harry Potter themed non-uniform day in memory of Jenny Baldock who sadly passed away 2 years ago.

All pupils are invited to come into school dressed as a character from Harry Potter- Jenny was a big fan so we decided that this was a fitting tribute to her. Pupils are asked to bring in £1 donation which will go towards redeveloping the John Lally garden at school.

At 1.15pm on Friday 26th October pupils from Key Stage 1 and 2 will be going on a walk to remember our former colleague and friend. We will all be walking up to Millennium Bridge and back.

We need parent/carer volunteers to come along for the walk. If you can come along at please see your class teacher.

Thank you for your support.

Jo Heyes and Fishergate School Council

School Council Election Results

Here is our school council 2018-19

Thank you to everyone who nominated themselves to be on the School Council this year. As always the results were very close and when they were announced in Friday’s celebration assembly, the response to those who had been successful was very supportive. 

Every class in Key Stage 1 and 2 has one School Council member. They will work hard to ensure that all your ideas are listened to and will help to make the school an even better place to be.



Yr 3/4 STEM Parent Workshop

In Yr3/4, we invited the parents to join us with a STEM workshop, the challenge being to build a 3D structure out of a maximum of 40 cocktail sticks and 20 midget gems, to hold the weight of a dictionary. During the session, we also learnt some top tips about stable and strong 3D shapes like tetrahedrons.

What fun we had and look at all these amazing structures!