Year 3&4

Young Voices Update

The choir have been practising hard this week and are sounding splendid!

Your child has been given a letter with all the information about the performance on the 22nd, including what they should bring on the day – please remember that they can wear either an official Young Voices T-shirt or a plain white one, and that they will not be able to take backpacks or large bags into the Arena.

The children will need two separate packed meals.  We will have our first picnic for lunch on the coach before we enter the venue.  Please make sure that your child has a separate packed tea in a carrier bag – this will be the only thing they will take in to the Arena as we will be leaving all other bags on the coach.  They should bring three drinks of juice or water – no glass bottles or cans, please.  It is also important that they know which meal is which!

On Wednesday next week we will be having our last rehearsal before the big day.  This will finish at 4:30 and we would like to invite parents and carers who would like to hear a ‘sneak preview’ of some of the songs we will be singing to join us at 4pm.

Remember to keep practising and learn those words!  You can find the lyrics as well as lyric and dance videos to help with this in the Young Voices Children’s Music Room.  If you can’t remember the password you can ask Miss Teale, Mrs Spain, Miss Chandler or another member of the choir to remind you!

Y3/4 Visit to Barstow House

Last week, as part of the Musical Connections project, Y3/4 children went to Barstow House in York. It was lovely to see familiar faces from last year and to make some more new friends. We all enjoyed singing and playing musical games which brought smiles to the tenants that live there.

Musical Connections is a registered charity that who facilitate intergenerational music workshops in care and residential homes in York.  We have been working with the project for a number of years now, and our participation has been enormously rewarding for Fishergate pupils.  If you would like to find out more about this fantastic organisation, please visit their website.

Merry Christmas Everybody!

Bake Off: The Results

Thank you to everyone in years 3,4,5 and 6 who baked a cake for this year’s bake off. And thank you to Aisha (year 6), Susannah (year 4), Mr Kelly and Miss Solanki for taking the time to judge all the cakes! I know that it was a hard task deciding on the winner from each class. Here are some of the creations:

The finalists were: Anya (Mrs Engleman’s class), Jacob (Mr Snowden’s class), Anya (Miss Ekers/Teale’s class), Tamaris (Mrs Walton’s class), Daisy  (Mrs Wilson’s class) and Poppy (Miss Rees/Mr Burnell’s class).

A cake stall was held after the year 3/4 and 5/6 bake offs raising an amazing £180 for school.

Each class winner created an amazing Christmassy themed cake for the final of the inaugral Fishergate Bake Off.  We think that the winning “illusion cake” in the form of a Christmas Pud is a real showstopper!  Well done to a very worthy winner.



Have you checked out the YV Music Room?

The choir are sounding fantastic!  Don’t forget….

The YV Music Room is ready for you to practice all the songs. You will need the code to get in so please ask your teacher. Voung Voices

We sent the code home with a letter but if you have forgotten it you could ask Miss Teale or Mrs Spain.  In the Young Voices Music Room you will find lyrics videos, dance videos and Spotify links for this year’s songs to help you practise at home.  Keep up the good work!

The Book Fair is coming!

Classes will be able to browse the shelves and buy books in the lower hall from 3:15 to 3:45.  To avoid it getting too crowded please can we ask that classes come on the following days:

EYU ~ Wednesday 15th November

KS1 ~ Thursday 16th November

Year 3/4 ~ Friday 17th November

Year 5/6 ~ Monday 20th November


Don’t forget that this Friday 30th June is non-uniform day to support the summer fair. Please bring in tombola prizes, filled jam jars (sweets, crafts, marbles whatever you like), bottles for the bottle stall, teddies and toys (NO books or second hand clothes other than uniform please).


Please find your class stall list outside the classrooms and sign up or tell Emma in the office and she will put your name down. Half an hour from each parent helps enormously. If you can stay to help at 5pm to help clear up please do…..


We need to be able to play music for the gymnasts to do their display and we will also need a microphone, both with amplification. Can you help? Where can we borrow from?? Final plea for cake contributions on the day – thank-you – let’s make it a great summer fair xFriends of Fishergate