Year 3&4

Last choir next week – 28th June

To all the parents, carers and children,

Thank you for all your hard work and support this year at choir.  We have taken part in so many different activities this school year, including carol singing in the city centre and at Selby Abbey, singing at the Cgristmas fair and, of course, Young Voices.  You have all been brilliant!

Next week (Wednesday 28th June) will be out last choir session before the summer holidays as there are so many different things happening in the last few weeks of term for both staff and pupils.

We hope to see lots of familiar faces back at choir next year.  We have another very exciting year ahead of us!

Kind regards,

Rachel Teale and Liz Spain.

2016-2017 Weekly Learning in Y3/4

Summer 2017 19.6.17 22.5.17 Spring 2017 9.1.17 16.1.17 6.2.17 13.2.17 27.2.17 6.3.17 13.3.17 20.3.17 3.4.17 24.4.17 Autumn term 2016 26-9-16 3-10-16 10-10-16 17-10-16 31-10-16 7-11-16 14-11-16 21-11-16 12-12-16

Fishergate Eisteddfod

Thank you to everybody that came to the Fishergate Eisteddfod on Tuesday this week, it really was a huge success! We had performance poetry from each class and musical interludes from recorder groups, pianists, drummers, vocalists, flautists, violinists, guitarists and even the flugelhorn!…