Year 3&4

2016-2017 Weekly Learning in Y3/4

Summer 2017 19.6.17 22.5.17 Spring 2017 9.1.17 16.1.17 6.2.17 13.2.17 27.2.17 6.3.17 13.3.17 20.3.17 3.4.17 24.4.17 Autumn term 2016 26-9-16 3-10-16 10-10-16 17-10-16 31-10-16 7-11-16 14-11-16 21-11-16 12-12-16

Fishergate Eisteddfod

Thank you to everybody that came to the Fishergate Eisteddfod on Tuesday this week, it really was a huge success! We had performance poetry from each class and musical interludes from recorder groups, pianists, drummers, vocalists, flautists, violinists, guitarists and even the flugelhorn!…