Summer 2017 19.6.17 22.5.17 Spring 2017 9.1.17 16.1.17 6.2.17 13.2.17 27.2.17 6.3.17 13.3.17 20.3.17 3.4.17 24.4.17 Autumn term 2016 26-9-16 3-10-16 10-10-16 17-10-16 31-10-16 7-11-16 14-11-16 21-11-16 12-12-16
Year 3&4
Early Years, Music News, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Fishergate Family Choir Update
We are pleased to announce that we have had a great deal of interest in our Fishergate Family Choir so we will be starting on Monday 12th June from 3.30 to 4.30 in the Upper Hall. If you haven’t returned…
Music News, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Fishergate Eisteddfod
Thank you to everybody that came to the Fishergate Eisteddfod on Tuesday this week, it really was a huge success! We had performance poetry from each class and musical interludes from recorder groups, pianists, drummers, vocalists, flautists, violinists, guitarists and even the flugelhorn!…
Music News, Year 3&4
Musical Connections at Barstow House
As you may know, our link with Willow House as part of the Musical Connections project finished at Christmas due to the closure of Willow House Residential Home. We really wanted to keep up our work with Musical Connections, a charity…
English News, Music News, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Fishergate Eisteddfod
On Tuesday 23rd May at 2.00, Key Stage Two is holding its annual Eisteddfod, a celebration of music and poetry. Every child in KS2 will be performing and parents are invited to come and join us in the Upper Hall.…
Charity Day, Music News, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Music4Mums Update
Thank you to all parents, friends and family members who came to our special Music4Mums assembly last week. The children entertained us all with songs from ‘Our House’ by Madness to a special song about all the things our Mum…
Charity Day, Music News, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Music 4 Mums Cake sale – Wednesday 3rd May at 3.15pm
As part of our fundraising for Music 4 Mums, we are inviting children to bring in cakes for a special cake sale at the end of the day on Wednesday 3rd May. All proceeds will go to the charity APP…
Charity Day, Music News, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Music 4 Mums Assembly – Wednesday 3rd May at 10am
At Fishergate, we are supporting Music4Mums which is a special fundraising event to raise money for APP (Action on Postpartum Psychosis). We would like to invite YOU to a special assembly on Wednesday 3rd May where children in Y1-6 will…
News, Year 3&4
The Wind in the Willows
Well done to the children in years 3 and 4 for a fantastic show! Click the pictures to take a closer look.
News, Parent Partnership, PE and Sport, Year 1&2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6
Summer Term Clubs
A letter and form regarding the clubs on offer over the summer term has been sent home in book bags – the clubs request form can also be downloaded here. We ask that you go through the list with your child…