Year 3&4

Roots in Action

Living in York, each year the city is affected by flooding. We simulated the effect of trees’ roots to reduce flooding. We had so much fun making our models. Watch our video!


Weeds welcome!

We have been learning about plants and where better to start than in our extended classroom – on the allotment. Who thought weeding could be so much fun, when you are on a root hunt!

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Back in the classroom, we took a closer look at our specimens using microscopes and magnifying glasses. The microscopes were tricky to use at first until we realised that the root being examined had to be very fine to show up under the lens.

Fishergate is Famous!

As you may already know, Y3/4 children in Miss Teale and Mrs Ekers’ class have a link with Willow House through the Musical Connections project. Every term we take part in a music workshop with residents from Willow House care home around a topic we are covering in school. This intergenerational work has shown to have real benefits for both children and residents.

Have you ever wondered how you can get a sneaky peak of what we do in our sessions? Well, now you can! This video features children from Fishergate and other York schools taking part in workshops and talks about the benefits for everybody involved in intergenerational work through the Musical Connections project.  We would love it if you took a look at our fantastic children in action!

If you would like to find out more about the Musical Connections project, please visit their website.

Children in Need Day


Click on the picture to visit the Children in Need website!

This year the school council would like you to dress up in spots/zig zags/stripes/patterns for Children in Need. There are Pudsey prizes to be won for the most creative costumes.

Please bring in a £1 donation on Friday 18th November for Children in Need.

Music Assembly

On Thursday we had our first curriculum music assembly of the academic year. This is where all KS1 and KS2 get to perform the song they have been learning in their curriculum music lessons. The assembly started with the KS1 children’s rousing performance of ‘Hey You’, a hip- hop song written for young children by Joanna Mangona.

This was followed by the Y3/ 4 children who chilled us all out by singing ‘Three Little Birds’ , the classic reggae hit by Bob Marley. All 90 children sang and performed actions for the song they had been working hard on whilst learning about reggae music as a genre in itself.

Finally, the Y5/6 children raised the roof with ‘Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey, a rapturous finale to a fantastic assembly.

All children took part in this wonderful assembly which involved both singing and instrumental playing. At Fishergate we arrange these inclusive music assemblies to celebrate what children in school have been learning in their curriculum music lessons as part of our music vision.

Thank you to all parents and carers who came along to the assembly and to Liz Spain, Kathryn Fenwick and Andrea Walton for their hard work teaching the children music this half term.