Year 3&4

Investigating Habitats

pondAs part of our Summer topic, ‘Living Things’ we had fun over at the cemetery finding and investigating different habitats. The highlight by far, as voted by the children, was the pond dipping. We found and used some classification keys and pictures to label loads of amazing pond creatures!

Paired computing work in Y3/4

We watched this video from the website to help us think about how we can work effectively as a team when using technology.  Sometimes two heads are better than one!

Willow House Fun!

We had lots of fun on our last visit to Willow House. Our workshop was linked to our work in school on the Ten Pieces project. We all went on a journey on a boat across a story sea and had fun dressing up for our celebration at the end! The children worked really well with the residents and caught up with old friends. We are really looking forward to our next visit!

Thank you to Fiona Chapman of Musical Connections for her fantastic work with us during this project.

Maths on the Menu in Year 3/4

Yr 3/4 use their measuring and problem solving skills to make scones, in a maths lesson. The lesson ended with a big thumbs up from all the children who devoured their scones with a twist – their own special ingredient.  Scones with Philadelphia, ham or even blueberries were on the menu!

Ramp Runners

On Wednesday 6th May, all Year 3/4 children had a fantastic time taking part in a STEM Challenge. The team from Fulford School came down for the afternoon to introduce and support the children in completing STEM Challenge 7 – Ramp Runners. The challenge was to make a car powered by an elastic band that would travel up the ramp the furthest! Challenging but possible!

Ramp Runners_2

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